إختبار شامل 3 اترك تعليقاً / كويزات / بواسطة Fatma Qeshta إختبار شامل من كتاب أسرار العلاج الطبيعي أسئلة متعددة الخيارات 0 votes, 0 avg 28 Let the quiz begin , wish you happy time Good job Comprehensive Quizz 3 Comprehensive Quizz From Physiotherapy Secrets MCQ Book 1 / 25 1) Percussion & vibration should be discontinued when PaO2 reaches a) 65 b) 55 c) 50 d) 80 2 / 25 2) _________ current is used for the stimulation of innervated muscles a) Faradic b) Surged faradic c) Faradic type d) Interrupted galvanic 3 / 25 3) Suction times should be less than a) 30 seconds b) 5 seconds c) 15 seconds d) 20 seconds 4 / 25 4) Forearm pronation range of motion is limited due to _______ a) Soft tissue approximation b) Soft tissue tension c) Tension of ligament d) Bony contact 5 / 25 5) Drop arm test indicates __________ a) weakness of deltoid b) positive painful arc c) rupture of suprasinatus d) none 6 / 25 6) Stretching is the _____ a) Sudden but controlled forced passive movement b) Slow and sustained forced passive movement c) Manipulation d) Relaxed passive movement 7 / 25 7) During 3rd trimester one should lie in ________________ a) Supine b) Side lying on left side c) Side lying in right side d) Crook lying 8 / 25 8) For skewed data which measure of variability is useful a) Range of the datas b) None of the above c) Percentile d) Interquartile range 9 / 25 9) Locking position of shoulder joint is a) extension, abduction, external rotation b) external rotation, abduction & internal rotation c) flexion, abduction and internal rotation d) flexion, abduction, external rotation 10 / 25 10) When evaluating a case of bicipital tendonitis which clinical finding you wouldNOT expect to find ___________ a) referred pain in C7, C8 dermatomes b) increase in pain on isometric resistance to biceps c) tenderness over bicipital tendon. d) painful arc with AROM 11 / 25 11) A patient of frozen shoulder has 30 degrees of external rotation. Whichmobilization technique would be indicated with such a limitation ? a) Medial distraction and inferior glide b) medial distraction and posterior glide c) Lateral distraction and posterior glide d) Lateral distraction and anterior glide 12 / 25 12) Which of the followings is an absolute contraindication for electrical stimulation a) Pace maker b) Insensitive skin c) Ischemic heart disease d) Unconscious patient 13 / 25 13) Usually suction pressure for adults is a) 80 mmHg b) 100 mmHg c) 70 mmHg d) 120 mmHg 14 / 25 14) Faradic current when applied a) Recruit type I alone b) Recruit type II alone c) Recruit type I fibre followed by type II d) Recruit type II followed by type I 15 / 25 15) Orthotic management for Perthe’s disease is_____ a) Hip abduction orthosis with trilateral socket and rocker bottom b) HKAFO with ischeal seat c) HKAFO d) KAFO 16 / 25 16) Apraxia is a result of lesion in a) Parietal lobe b) Frontal lobe c) Internal capsule d) Occipital lobe 17 / 25 17) The damaging distracting force is found in a) Codman’s pendulum exercise b) Weight attached to foot in ligament injury c) Weight attached for strengthening in ankylosing hip d) Weight attached to foot in osteo arthritis knee 18 / 25 18) Relaxed passive movement is useful for________ a) Improving joint range of motion b) Improving co-ordination c) Remembrance of pattern of movement d) Muscle strengthening 19 / 25 19) Motor planning and timing is by which lobe of cerebellum a) Anterior lobe b) All of the above c) Floculonodular d) Posterior 20 / 25 20) Facilitation of extensor tone against gravity is by a) Reticulo spinal tract b) Corticospinal tract c) Rubro spinal tract d) Vestibulo spinal tract 21 / 25 21) _________ splint is prescribed for claw hand deformity a) pan cake b) knuckle bender c) short opponens d) cock-up 22 / 25 22) Parietal lobe lesion exhibit a) Inability to interpret meaningful sensory information b) Lack of sensory motor integration c) Both a & b d) None 23 / 25 23) The centre of gravity of HAT is at a) T10 b) L1 c) T9 d) T11 24 / 25 24) Electric pulse which will stimulate a nerve a) Rapid rising & duration less than 1ms b) Rapid rising & duration less than 100 ms c) None of the above d) Slow rising & duration less than 1ms 25 / 25 25) Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half-twist posture) is useful for stretching______muscle a) Gastro-soleus b) Piriformis c) Rectus Femoris d) Hamstrings Your score isThe average score is 31%Share your effort with your friends LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte Also you can visit our accounts on social media 0% Restart quiz Please rate the quiz from 1 to 5 stars Send feedback