Showing 1-20 of 43 Books
ACSMs health fitness facility standards and guidelines ACSMs health fitness facility...

ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines, Fourth Edition, presents the current standards and guidelines that help health and fitness

Rehabilitation American College of Sports Medicine
51NAW7PYWTL. SX347 BO1204203200 Clinical Applications for Motor...

Clinical Applications for Motor Control is a comprehensive text that will help bridge the gap between motor control/motor learning research...

Rehabilitation Patricia C. Montgomery, Barbara H. Connolly
Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation A Team Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A...

Evidence suggests a direct correlation between the quality of postoperative orthopaedic
rehabilitation and the effectiveness of the surgery. Clinical...

Orthopedic, Rehabilitation Charles E Giangarra , Robert C. Manske

Evidence suggests a direct correlation between the quality of postoperative orthopaedic
rehabilitation and the effectiveness of the surgery. Clinical...

Orthopedic, Rehabilitation Charles E Giangarra , Robert C. Manske
Critical Rehabilitation for Partial and Total Knee Arthroplasty Critical Rehabilitation for Partial...

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed operation - in the U.S. alone, 5.2 million TKAs
were performed...

Orthopedic, Rehabilitation Frank R. Noyes, Sue Barber-Westin
DeLisas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation principles and practice DeLisa’s Physical Medicine and...

DeLisa’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Principles and Practice presents the
most comprehensive review of the state of the art,...

Rehabilitation Prof. Walter R. Frontera, Joel A. DeLisa, Bruce M. Gans , Lawrence R. Robinson , William Bockenek, John Chae
Musculoskeletal Disorders Pain and Rehabilitation Essentials of Physical Medicine...

Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition provides you with the
knowledge you need to get your patients...

Orthopedic, Rehabilitation Walter R. Frontera, Julie K. Silver, Thomas D. Rizzo Jr.
51gJmSaWjXL Facial Paralysis Rehabilitation Techniques

Derived from the second edition of the world-famous The Facial Nerve, this targeted new
book offers the most comprehensive...

Neurology, Rehabilitation Mark May, Barry M. Schaitkin
Heart Rate Training Customize Your Training Based on Individual Data and Goals Heart Rate Training: Customize...

If you are serious about fitness, health, and performance, then Heart Rate Training, Second
Edition, is for you. With...

other, Rehabilitation Roy Benson Declan Connolly
Hoppenfelds Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fractures Hoppenfeld’s Treatment and Rehabilitation...

Written by leading orthopaedists and rehabilitation specialists, the second edition of
Hoppenfeld’s Rehabilitation and Treatment of Fractures presents sequential...

Orthopedic, Rehabilitation Daniel Horwitz Michael Suk
978 0 8036 4612 4 Improving Functional Outcomes in...

Achieve the best functional outcomes for your patients.

Here is a practical, step-by-step guide to understanding the treatment process...

Rehabilitation Susan B. O'Sullivan, Thomas J. Schmitz

freedom to Move is an evidence informed practical resource which
provides movement therapists of all disciplines with an exercise

Biomechanics, Rehabilitation  Josephine Key

The neuro rehab text that mirrors how you learn and how you
Take an evidence-based approach to...

Neurology, Rehabilitation  Dennis Fell , Karen Y Lunnen  , Reva Rauk
Lymphedema Management The Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners 2nd Edition 111350 Lymphedema Management Second Edition

"A well-written textbook that is clear and concise. The organization is exceptional; each
chapter is color-coded for ease in...

Manual Therapy, other, Rehabilitation Joachim Ernst Zuther
Neurological Physiotherapy Bases of Evidence for Practice Treatment and Neurological Physiotherapy: Bases of...

There is a surfeit of writing about evidence-based practice which is often difficult to relate to the actual treatment of...

Neurology, Rehabilitation Cecily Partridge
NeuroRehabilitation A Multidisciplinary Approach NeuroRehabilitation A Multidisciplinary Approach

This book is dedicated to all rehabilitative therapists, physicians, care-takers, institute, rehabilitative centers, NGOs, societies who have devoted their lives...

Rehabilitation V. C. Jacob, Hema Biju, Alok Sharma
Neuroscience Fundamentals for Rehabilitation Neuroscience : Fundamentals for...

This practical guide connects the theory of neuroscience with real-world clinical application by
utilizing first person accounts of neurological...

Neurology, Rehabilitation Laurie Lundy-Ekman