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Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise

 كاتب: Peter M. McGinnis  Category: Biomechanics  Publisher: ‎ Human Kinetics  منشور: 26 March، 2013  ISBN: 0736079661  صفحات: 461  اللغة: English  File Size: 11,9MB

A book is not produced by one individual—a
team of people is involved. I thank the members of that
team: the folks at Human Kinetics, including Amy Tocco,
Kate Maurer, and especially Loarn Robertson, whose
patience I tested; Victoria Berger of Motion Analysis
Products, who was responsible for the inclusion of the
MaxTRAQ software; Steve McCaw of Illinois State
University, who was responsible for chapter 15; my
students and colleagues who provided suggestions for
improvement; and my extended family, whose support
and encouragement is further acknowledged by the
appearance of their names in problems and questions
throughout the book. Special thanks to my wife, Boodie,
for her love and support.
