كاتب: Leon Chaitow, Registered Osteopathic Practitioner and Senior Lecture Category: Cardiopulmonary Publisher: A Harcourt Health Sciences Company منشور: 17 January، 2002 ISBN: 0443070539 صفحات: 296 اللغة: English File Size: 17MBFunctional breathing pattern disorders (BPD – the extreme of which is hyperventilation) disturb the biochemistry of the body, often leading to respiratory alkalosis. They are extremely common, mainly affecting women and frequently go unrecognized by clinicians. Research shows that BPDs can be responsible for causing, or helping to maintain, a vast range of symptoms including muscular pain (particularly involving the thorax and neck area), inefficient motor control, reduced core stability, tremors, and tetany, feelings of anxiety, easy fatiguability, sleep disturbances, dysphagia, epigastric pain, IBS, parasthesia, palpitations, dizziness, disturbed vision, and a variety of circulatory symptoms resulting from smooth muscle constriction. BPDs are easily tested for and – with patient cooperation – are commonly correctable via a combination of manual therapy and breathing rehabilitation strategies.