Muscle Energy Techniques FOURTH EDITION
كاتب: Leon Chaitow Category: Manipulation, Manual Therapy, Theraputic Exercise Publisher: Elsevier منشور: 21 May، 2013 ISBN: 9780702059629 صفحات: 318 اللغة: English File Size: 32.45MB
Muscle Energy Techniques 4e sets out clear, practical and clinical guidelines for
all students and practitioners wishing to use MET techniques as part of their
patient management. Fully updated and now published in full colour throughout,
this book has an accompanying website with video clips presenting the full array
of modern METs in a variety of acute, chronic and rehabilitation settings. “The
practical application of MET starts from Chapter 5. The videos are accessible via
a website whose address is within the book. A simple log in and you have access
to a collection of MET greatest hits. The videos are clear, simple and short but not
inclusive of all the techniques in the book” Reviewed by InTouch, May 2015.