كاتب: Jeffrey D. Placzek, David A. Boyce Category: Orthopedic Publisher: Mosby منشور: 3 October، 2006 ISBN: 1560537086 اللغة: English File Size: 4.24MBPart of the popular Secrets series, this helpful reference presents basic physical therapy
concepts and then introduces different healing modalities, specialties and orthopedic
procedures typically prescribed for common injuries such as shoulders and extremities.
Common diseases are included as well as more innovative diagnostic tools for physical
therapists such as radiology. Each chapter features concise information that includes the
author’s tips, memory aids and “secrets.” Bulleted lists, algorithms and illustrations provide
a quick review of the specific topic discussed. The information is entirely evidence-based,
outcome based and up-to-date.
All chapters provide an emphasis on outcome studies and evidence-based
practice and include the latest research for the concepts presented.
Numerous charts, table and algorithms summarize and visually portray concepts
covered in the chapters to provide additional information for clinical decision
Chapters are written by well-known contributors, including some of the bestknown physical therapists practicing in the field today.
Provides important information on topics covered in the orthopedic specialty
Includes detailed information relevant to making an accurate shoulder
assessment as well as the most common shoulder disorders.
A comprehensive, heavily illustrated new chapter on orthopedic radiology
provides a quick review on reading and interpreting radiographs of common
orthopedic conditions.
A new differential diagnosis chapter describes the process and the purpose of
differential diagnosis for physical therapists who are practicing without referral and
who need to expand their knowledge of medical problems that mimic
musculoskeletal disease.