كاتب: Norman Latov Category: Neurology Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing منشور: 8 November، 2006 ISBN: 193260359X اللغة: English File Size: 479.2KB“Peripheral neuropathy affects 10 to 20 million people in the U.S, including ten per cent of all
people who have diabetes. This condition has numerous causes, but can be associated with
diseases such as HIV, alcoholism, and lupus, and may result from treatments for other
medical conditions, such as cancer chemotherapy. Symptoms include pain, numbness, loss
of balance, and tingling in the extremities. Although a widespread condition, most people
don’t know about it, and when diagnosed find it difficult to obtain information.
Peripheral Neuropathy, by Norman Latov, Professor of Neurology at the Weill Medical
College of Cornell University, explains what we know about neuropathy, including its causes
and manifestations, and what can be done to manage it. Topics covered include:
The causes of peripheral neuropathy
Drug therapy for the condition itself and for managing symptoms such as pain
Interventional therapy
Caring for your feet
Personal accounts of people living with neuropathy
Alternative medicines, and much more
This indispensable guide will help millions of people understand this condition so that they
can take control of their lives and make informed decisions. In addition, it will be a useful
resource for their families, caregivers, and health care providers.”