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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Patient-Centered Care

 كاتب: MHPE Batmangelich, Sorush, EdD and MHCM Cristian, Adrian, MD  Category: other  Publisher: Demos Medical;  منشور: 3 September، 2014  ISBN: 9781617051333  اللغة: English  File Size: 6.92 MB
Built around the six core competencies for physicians practicing rehabilitation medicine as required by the ACGME, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Patient-Centered Care: Mastering the Competencies is a unique, self-directed text for residents. Covering all aspects of patient-centered care in the practice of physical medicine and rehabilitation, the book provides a competency-based approach to topics and conditions commonly encountered in this specialty. Thoughtfully organized chapters offer easy-to-access clinical content for all major practice areas, and the bookís competency-based goals and objectives also serve as a clear platform for educating physiatrists in training during their clinical rotation
