Physiotherapy in Deformity Correction and Pain Relief
كاتب: Irudayaraj Category: other Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers منشور: 1 January، 2007 ISBN: 978-8180618871 اللغة: English File Size: 2.05MBIn comparison to the previous decades, today more and more people are suffering
from pain due to various kinds of defects in cervical, thoracic, lumbar and
sacral spines, and joints, particularly in shoulders and knees. Likewise bone
fractures also have mounted up, in particular humerus and femur. Hemiplegia
was very rare in the past few decades. Now, it is known that many pepole
have been affected by hemiplegia or stroke.
At present radical changes are going on in the physiotherapy to meet
these challenges. For a large number of paramedical colleges and other medical
institutions including universities are producing physiotherapists. Physiotherapy
clinics are found in a very large numbers. Advanced techniques are well known.
For example, physiotherapist Miss Rood has proved the use of cutaneous and
deep stimulation to mobilise the prolonged spasticity. Electronic equipments
and machineries with the latest technology are also available.
A physiotherapist would have sufficient knowledge of the human anatomy
in his/her fingertips about the spinal column and other joints where pain and
limitation of movement occur due to pathological changes, accidents, old age,
etc. Then correct diagnosis is possible. Manual muscle testing (MMT) is very
important for proper physiotherapy treatment. For accurate MMT, complete
knowledge of muscle function and motion of joints are important. Only then,
proper treatment could be employed. All details about muscles and joints have
provided in the respective chapters. This book will be much useful to
physiotherapy students and the Case Studies would be relevant to Clinicians.
The assessments and other treatments, which have been described in the
Case Studies are past events but they have been written in present tense. This
method is called “historic present” in English grammar.