postural disorders & Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
كاتب: Dr. Gill Solber Category: other Publisher: British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ISBN: 978-0-443-10382-7 صفحات: 296 اللغة: English File Size: 14,7MBThis book is the jewel in the crown of a consistent and soundly-based
process of professional development. It is undoubtedly an expression of
self-fulfi llment by a professional whose path has been characterized by
study, expanding knowledge and varied experience.
This is the fi rst book of its type on posture. It is intended to raise public
awareness about a subject that has been shunted to the sidelines and to
a certain extent snubbed by orthopedics, physical therapy and physical
education – the fi elds that are supposed to deal with it.
Orthopedists recognize the existence of posture, but except for
cases requiring treatment entailing a brace or surgery, the attitude is
one of general avoidance. This attitude derives from a view of postural
problems as a matter of aesthetics or behavior, to which orthopedics has
no commitment because they do not pose a danger to life or general
functioning. Physical therapy treats posture with a modicum of respect
but its daily routine encounters such a broad range of musculoskeletal
problems that there is little time to deal with posture. On the other
hand, physical education and its various subdivisions recognize,
respect, and even like to deal with the subject, but too often without
the theoretical basis necessary for constructing a responsible, controlled
therapeutic system.
This book provides the thread that connects these three domains. It is
written with respect for all those who engage in the fi eld and it advocates
an approach in which all three domains can unite and together contribute
to creating a comprehensive therapeutic system. In each aspect of the
issues discussed in the book, the author takes great care to use relevant
professional language. Readers, regardless of their professional bent, can
fi nd chapters that are of direct benefi t to them, and others that supplement
and fi ll in missing knowledge. Although the author’s specialization is
the therapeutic movement approach to posture, he systemically and in
good didactic fashion presents:
1. Basic concepts in the kinesiology and biomechanics of posture.
2. Concise orthopedic dimensions.
3. Theory-based principles of diagnosis and treatment.
These principles, with their shared theoretical basis, can be molded
into a number of different work approaches, depending on each therapist’s
tendency and relevant considerations in each case.
The book neither confuses nor blurs the boundaries between familiar
kinesiological and physiological principles and common treatment
approaches. Moreover, the author makes no claim to having personally
formulated the principles he presents. Throughout the book, the author
remains true to his aim of increasing posture awareness by expanding
related knowledge, without setting up posture as the be-all and endall, and without trumpeting, as the fi nal word, the treatment methods
he presents