Practical Physiotherapy Prescriber
كاتب: Gitesh Amrohit Category: Physiotherapy Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers منشور: 1 January، 2013 ISBN: 9350259869 صفحات: 341 اللغة: English File Size: 2.16MBThe main aim of the book was to quick diagnosis and relevant physiotherapy management for various medical and surgical conditions. The used language is very simple and the content written in pointed manner. Advanced physiotherapy management with dosage, duration of exercise therapy and electrotherapy, Dos/ Donts, home advice, orthotic and prosthetic supports should be kept in mind while writing the book. This book covers various medical and surgical conditions including skin and psychiatric conditions. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Skin Diseases Chapter 2: Respiratory Diseases Chapter 3: Orthopaedic Conditions Chapter 4: Neurological Conditions Chapter 5: General Surgical Conditions Chapter 6: Pulmonary/Cardiac Surgery Chapter 7: Psychiatric Conditions Chapter 8:
Obstetrics/Gynecology Chapter 9: ENT Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Appendix Index