
إختبار تأهيل

إختبار تأهيل من كتاب أسرار العلاج الطبيعي أختر من متعدد



Rehabilitation Quiz from physiotherapy secrets book

1 / 25

Disability reflects at the _____ level.

2 / 25

Lateral wedging is given to correct __________

3 / 25

In AK prosthesis the foot piece is positioned in ________________

4 / 25

Percentage of permanent physical impairment in case of unilateral AK amputee up to 1/3rd of thigh is ________________

5 / 25

When was IAP registered by WCPT?

6 / 25

Impairment is defined as____.

7 / 25

Which of the following is not considered as consumer?

8 / 25

_____________ scheme provides financial assistance/loan to the persons with interest under self employment programme.

9 / 25

Which of the following does not come under Ethics?

10 / 25

Transtibial prosthesis with thigh corset is indicated in case of the following except__.

11 / 25

_________ award is given for the best school/institute performance during students’ forum of the annual conference of the Indian association of Physiotherapists.

12 / 25

Which of the following is important for medicolegal point of view?

13 / 25

Genu recurvatum gait in case of BK prosthesis is due to _____.

14 / 25

How many National institutes are there in India to deal with persons with disabilities?

15 / 25

A person has got loss of limb ROM 16% and loss of muscle strength 8%. Percentage of permanent physical impairment is _____________


16 / 25

The persons with disability act, 1995 adopted the proclamation on ___ of people with disability.

17 / 25

When was Indian association of Physiotherapists formed?

18 / 25

Appeal against an order of national consumer protection commission can be made to

19 / 25

_________ award is given for the best graduate of the year during the students’ forum of the annual conference of the Indian association of Physiotherapists.

20 / 25

Excessive knee cushion results into ____ gait.

21 / 25

How many countries have been registered by WCPT?

22 / 25

The foot rotation at heel strike in case of AK amputee is due to __________

23 / 25

Moderate hearing impairment (40 – 50%) is said to occur when the dB level is____.

24 / 25

Where was the first PT education in INDIA started?

25 / 25

Genu varum gait deviation during the mid stance phase in BK prosthetic is due to ______________

Your score is

The average score is 26%


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