101 Performance Evaluation Tests
كاتب: Andrew Hamilton Category: Assessment & Examination Publisher: Green Star Media منشور: 1 January، 2015 ISBN: 1910338516 صفحات: 229 اللغة: English File Size: 2.33MBEvery sports coach knows that the success of a training program is largely
dependent upon satisfying the performance aims associated with it.
That’s why regular performance evaluation is so essential, whether you’re coaching a
group of athletes or a self-coached individual. Because periodic testing and
measuring is the only way to get the up-to-date, accurate and objective information
you need to assess current performance, then make informed decisions about future
training and competition goals.
However, before conducting a test you need to be 100% sure that it satisfies all the
following criteria:
specificity (the test is designed to assess an athlete’s fitness for the activity in
validity (it tests what it purports to test)
reliability (the test is capable of consistent repetition), and
objectivity (it can produce a consistent result irrespective of the tester).
This workbook is the largest, most complete and authoritative collection of sports
performance evaluation tests there is. And it’s an essential tool for anyone wanting to
predict athletic performance or evaluate an athlete’s current level of fitness.
Because 101 Performance Evaluation Tests covers all the principal facets of fitness–
endurance, agility, mobility & balance, strength, speed & power and sports
psychology, it’s able to meet every athlete’s requirements, not matter which sport
they compete in.
We’ve even included several body composition tests, so you can gauge what sort of
shape an athlete’s in, plus a handy set of VO2 max tables.
And here’s another major benefit of using this coaching resource that you shouldn’t
overlook. A coach can easily become wedded over time to a particular test or sets of
tests, often for no other reason than sheer familiarity. The more often you use a test,
the more likely you are to use it again… But just because you’re used to using one
particular test for endurance or power, doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ones out
there worth evaluating.