Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease
كاتب: John R. Cross , Nadia Ellis , John Amaro Category: Acupuncture Publisher: North Atlantic Books منشور: 29 July، 2008 ISBN: 978-1556437212 صفحات: 208 اللغة: English File Size: 70.36MBThe book describes the seven major and twenty-one minor chakras in detail and
explains how each is related to the body’s aura, meridians, Key points, endocrine
glands, autonomic nervous system, and varying symptomatology. Focusing on how
to use the chakras in the treatment of chronic physical and emotional conditions—
osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain with sciatica, insomnia,
hypertension, depression, menopausal symptoms, and frozen shoulder, among
others—Cross’s clear, in-depth explanations make his techniques easy for anyone to
follow. Including appendices on how to use the chakras with copper and zinc needles
and biomagnets, as well as which types of patients respond to such treatments,
Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System is a well-rounded guide for
acupuncturists and other practitioners as well as interested students.