Acupuncture in Neurological Conditions
كاتب: Val Hopwood Clare Donnellan Category: Acupuncture Publisher: Churchill Livingstone منشور: 23 July، 2007 ISBN: 0702030201 اللغة: English File Size: 3.23MBWritten by two leading experts in the field, Acupuncture in Neurological Conditions aims to
improve patient care by combining Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
concepts of treatment. The language of TCM is uniquely combined with that of evidencebased clinical reasoning to provide an approach relevant to both acupuncture and
physiotherapy clinical practice. All major types of neurological conditions encountered in
clinical practical are examined. Chinese medical patterns relevant to the application of
acupuncture are described, as well as key patterns of dysfunction based on a Western
medical perspective. The place of acupuncture within the overall management of different
neurological conditions is also discussed. Clinical reasoning options from both TCM and
Western medical perspectives are provided, and illustrated by real cases from clinical
practice forming a sound platform for true integrated medicine.
Fully evidence-based
Provides clinical reasoning options from TCM and Western medical perspectives
Illustrates clinical reasoning with real cases from clinical practice
Provides detailed examination of all major types of neurological conditions encountered in
clinical practice