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Adapted physical education national standards Third Edition

 كاتب: Luke E. Kelly  Category: other  Publisher: Human Kinetics  منشور: 12 March، 2019  ISBN: 1492589683  اللغة: English  File Size: 6.43MB

Adapted Physical Education National Standards, Third Edition, thoroughly covers the latest
Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS), offering current knowledge and
best practices for teaching adapted physical education.
This new edition solidifies the book’s reputation as an essential resource for adapted physical
educators. Representing the first major revision to the standards since 2006, Adapted
Physical Education National Standards, Third Edition, fully explains the 15 national standards
as established by the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with
Disabilities (NCPEID).
In addition to updating the national standards, this resource offers educators and
professionals two other important updates: a new web study guide and a fresh design of the
The study guide includes important information and more than 1,100 sample test questions
for educators who are studying to take the Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE)
exam. This new tool allows candidates to prepare for the exam by taking practice quizzes
based on the content within each standard. For each practice quiz, the reader is presented
with questions randomly drawn from a pool of questions for that standard, ensuring a wide
variety of sample exam possibilities. The candidate then receives a score and can review the
correct and incorrect answers to determine areas for further study. Candidates can also view
and download a comprehensive list of all questions for all standards.
The new text design makes the content within each standard easier to read, providing a
greater understanding of each level at a glance. Each of the 15 standards is presented in five
levels. The level for a typical standard is organized this way:
 Level 1: the standard number and name
 Level 2: the major components of the standard
 Level 3: the standard’s subcomponents—dependent pieces of knowledge of fact or
principle related to the major component
 Level 4: adapted physical education content—additional knowledge regarding the
subcomponents that teachers working with individuals with disabilities need to know
 Level 5: application of adapted physical education content from level 4 to teaching
individuals with disabilities
Levels 1 through 3 outline the basic instructional competencies that physical educators who
teach students in integrated or segregated environments must be able to demonstrate. Those
levels provide the foundation for levels 4 and 5. The standards are logical extensions of
SHAPE America’s 2017 National Standards for Initial Physical Education Teacher Education,
SHAPE America’s 2008 Advanced Standards for Physical Education, and the National Board
for Professional Teaching Standards’ 2014 Physical Education Standards.
Adapted Physical Education National Standards, Third Edition, is useful for a variety of
 Physical education majors and in-service teachers who are preparing for the APENS exam
 Higher education faculty members who want to evaluate their adapted physical education
preparation programs
 K-12 administrators who want to use APENS exam results for reviewing and hiring new
 Parents of children who require adapted physical education instruction, to inquire at their
child’s IEP meeting about the qualifications of the physical educator for their child
The book features an appendix of Frequently Asked Questions, a glossary of terms that
includes abbreviations and acronyms in the field, and a summative list of references that
were used by NCPEID committees in developing the APENS standards. It also includes an
overview of NCPEID and a detailed description of how the standards and the certification
exam were developed.
Adapted Physical Education National Standards, Third Edition, will keep readers up to date
on the standards, help them prepare for the CAPE exam, and help ensure that high-quality
adapted physical education is available for all students who can benefit from it.
