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Applied Kinesiology, Revised Edition: A Training Manual and Reference Book of Basic Principles and Practices

 كاتب: Robert Frost  Category: Biomechanics  Publisher: North Atlantic Books  منشور: 20 August، 2013  ISBN: 1583946128  اللغة: English  File Size: 12.19MB

The revised edition of the best-selling book on Applied Kinesiology, Applied
Kinesiology, Revised Edition introduces a diagnostic method that uses manual muscle
testing to assess the body’s “Triad of Health”–structure, chemistry, and psyche.
Manual muscle testing is a standard medical diagnostic technique. As in medical muscle
testing, AK muscle testing utilizes full-strength contraction of the muscle tested. To
perform the AK muscle test, the examiner provides isometric resistance while the patient
maximally contracts the chosen muscle. Then the examiner applies a bit more pressure. If
the client cannot resist this extra pressure, the muscle “tests weak,” indicating a problem
or imbalance that needs to be resolved. This type of strong physiological muscle test is
especially accurate for the diagnosis of organ disturbances. Further applications include
working with a muscle that tests strong “in the clear” as a diagnostic tool to determine the
effect of stimuli including touch, nutrients, medicines, allergens, emotions, poor posture,
and stressful memories.
