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Musculoskeletal intervention

 كاتب: David J. Magee, James E. Zachazewski and William E. Prentice  Category: other  Publisher: Saunders  منشور: 4 December، 2015  ISBN: 0323310729  صفحات: 1164  اللغة: English  File Size: 92,1MB

In the 7 years since the last edition o the textbook, the ocus o rehabilitation has
become increasingly related to human movement. T e editors and authors who have
contributed to this textbook have been on this path or years. ogether, we of er decades
o highly variant experience in order to produce a textbook that of ers a movement-based,
unctional perspective to the treatment o musculoskeletal dys unction and injury. T e
art and science o caring or a patient or client is rooted in evidence-based practice, but
requires knowledge o oundational sciences, application o theory, as well as skill, creativity, and innovation; however, above all we believe, it relates to movement. Several
areas within the current 31-chapter edition have been expanded to best re ect the contemporary practice o physical therapy including clinical decision-making, algorithmic
thinking, the neuromuscular scanning examination, unctional movement screening, and
the essentials o unctional exercise.
T e purpose o this text is to provide a comprehensive guide to assist practitioners in
the design, implementation, and progression o rehabilitation programs or patients with
musculoskeletal dys unction. T is includes dys unction that occurs due to imbalance, overuse, injury, as well as postoperatively. It is intended or use in musculoskeletal intervention courses that teach students the application o theory, decision-making in therapeutic
interventions, and rehabilitation progressions. However, it is equally well-suited or the
practicing physical therapist looking or novel ideas or therapeutic interventions. T e contributing authors have attempted to use our collective expertise, creativity, and knowledge
to produce a textbook that encompasses many aspects o musculoskeletal rehabilitation
and positively af ects approaches to intervention, with a ocus on unction!
