NeuroKinetic Therapy
كاتب: David Weinstock Category: Anatomy Publisher: North Atlantic Books منشور: 10 January، 2010 ISBN: 155643877X صفحات: 151 اللغة: English File Size: 13.7MBAmong the numerous volumes of so-called therapeutic manuals in the field of neuromuscular assessment and treatment, few truly meet the dual standard of providing skill enhancement while resting on a firm scientific foundation. David Weinstock’s NeuroKinetic Therapy not only meets this standard but raises it to a new level. Combining anatomical detail with superb illustrations and photos, the book carefully guides the practitioner in learning this subtle but very powerful form of therapy.… What a joy it is to move away from repetitive treatment to truly unwind the effects of injury, stress, and poor posture in our patients.”
—Steven Katz, DC, Katz Chiropractic, Mill Valley, California
“David Weinstock’s book enables both beginning and experienced manual therapists to expand on their assessment skills and to determine their subsequent treatment strategy. This extremely organized book filled with beautiful photos and illustrations helps to guide practitioners through a more specific and meaningful approach to manual muscle testing. Weinstock brings together his incredible breadth of knowledge and experience in neuromuscular reeducation and manual therapy in this well-written, easy-to-follow book.” —Cindy Lewton Dehan, physical therapist, Active Marin Physical Therapy, Larkspur, California
“Finally a manual written in accessible terms with end user results. The photos are clear and concise. Weinstock captures the essence and extreme importance of muscle testing for any physical practice. I have no doubt that this book will become a bible for all types of movement core therapists and educational programs. I have added it to the list of required reading for all students enrolled in our pilates certification programs.” —Stacy Allegro, director, Fit First Pilates, Corte Madera, California
“NeuroKinetic Therapy is one of the best manual therapy instructional manuals available. The layout and photos make it easy to follow and understand. It is a great tool and will be useful in my practice, complimenting my work with chiropractic, Active Release Techniques, and Egoscue exercise.” —Bruce Rizzo, DC, ART, My Chiro Care, Berkeley, California
“NeuroKinetic Therapy is an invaluable tool that will greatly enhance a personal trainer’s repertoire and level of expertise. Clients often come to trainers with old injuries that have subsequently created compensatory patterns or muscular imbalances. NeuroKinetic Therapy provides detailed instructions for helping clients regain the muscular control and balance to perform to their potential. Easy to follow and understand, the book shows the trainer how to accurately and effectively assess and test clients. The book’s photographs allow the trainer to know precisely where to place pressure and how the client needs to be positioned so that the muscle test is effective. This manual is a great compliment to any trainer’s library.” —David Phillips, CES, NASM certified personal trainer, Fit Bridge, Mill Valley, California
“Muscle testing is used in many disciplines but there has not been consistency in how it is performed. In his new book NeuroKinetic Therapy, David Weinstock clearly demonstrates this technique in a succinct and thorough manner. He covers testing of the individual muscles with clear images, including their anatomical origin, insertion, and actions. This book should be a part of any soft tissue specialist’s library.” — Douglas Kyle, DC, DABCO, ART, Marin Spine and Sport, Corte Madera, California
“NeuroKinetic Therapy clearly and thoroughly outlines muscle testing techniques along with related anatomy, but it is its use with the NeuroKinetic Therapy protocol that makes it a step up from massage and strengthening models more traditionally applied. I defer to David for those difficult to unravel pain patterns, both professionally and personally, and always with success.” —Caryl Sircus, physical therapist, Aquatic Therapy Associates, San Rafael, California
“Both concise and clear, this book breathes rehabilitation and therapeutic alignment. For a yoga instructor it provides a deeper skill set and knowledgeable platform from which to work and teach. It can greatly assist your students’ structural integrity as well as provide the capacity to heal any trauma that may be restricting the full range of motion or causing pain. This book is a treasure!” —James Higgins, yoga instructor, Yoga Studio, Mill Valley, California |