NeuroRehabilitation A Multidisciplinary Approach
كاتب: V. C. Jacob, Hema Biju, Alok Sharma Category: Rehabilitation Publisher: NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute منشور: 3 December، 2012 ISBN: 81-86876-08-1 صفحات: 544 اللغة: English File Size: 8.45This book is dedicated to all rehabilitative therapists, physicians, care-takers, institute, rehabilitative centers, NGOs, societies who have devoted their lives looking after the neurological and musculoskeletal disease and injuries.
This book (which is the first of its kind published from India) has been written for the following purposes:-
1] To provide in one source a comprehensive overview of all aspects of NeuroRehabilitation
2] To provide both undergraduate and postgraduate students of physiotherapy and occupational
therapy with all the information they will need from this field for their examinations.
3] To make available to our younger therapists the knowledge and wisdom of years of experience of
the senior authors and contributors of this book.
4] To stimulate younger rehabilitation therapists to take up NeuroRehabilitation as a career choice.
5] To emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach in NeuroRehabilitation.
6] To introduce students, teachers, junior and senior practicing rehabilitation therapists to the fascinating
possibilities of clinical improvements that can occur using Neuro-Regenerative-RehabilitationTherapy (which is a combination of Stem cell therapy with NeuroRehabilitation)