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pediatric rehabilation 5th ed.

 كاتب: MD Matthews, Dennis J. and MD Alexander, Michael A.  Category: Pediatric  Publisher: ‎ Demos Medical  منشور: 28 May، 2015  ISBN: B00XHWW2I6  صفحات: 638  اللغة: English  File Size: 11MB

This is the second edition of Pediatric Rehabilitation that
has not been under the leadership of Dr Gabriella Molnar, but her infl uence and wisdom are still apparent in
the text.
Our fi eld has changed again since the last edition.
Every chapter in this new fi fth edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded. We have covered many
of the more common genetic disorders throughout the
textbook and added new chapters on sports injuries,
concussions, and rehabilitation of pain and conversion
disorders that will be of great interest to physiatrists. We
have also added a chapter on ultrasound, as many of us
are actively involved in this exciting adjunct to our practice of medicine.
You will notice that some chapter authors have
returned and we have asked them to incorporate new
pediatric rehabilitation specialists, as it is our hope that
these new coauthors will become the senior authors of
future chapters and perhaps editors of future editions.
We are happy to present to you this compiled wisdom of the brightest and most enthusiastic clinicians in our
tightly knit group of pediatric rehabilitation specialists.
On a somber note, the editors are saddened to
announce the recent passing of Dr Ellen Kaitz. Her help in
the previous and the current edition is greatly appreciated.
