Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care
كاتب: Alexandra Hough Category: Respiratory Publisher: Springer منشور: 9 October، 1996 ISBN: 1565931319 اللغة: English File Size: 13.55MBRespiratory care is an immensely satisfying branch of physiotherapy. It challenges our intellect, exploits
our handling skills and employs our humanity to the full. Respiratory physiotherapy is both art and
science. It is not an exact science, and effective treatment therefore depends on problem-solving.
Analytic problem-solving requires the ability to define a problem and the knowledge to address it.
Creative problem-solving requires a clear perspective of the individual patient’s need. These are the aims
of this book. Clinicians now expect explanations that are referenced and physiologically sound,
meticulous attention to detail of technique and a patient-centred approach. This book is written for such
readers and those who question and traditional rituals. fundamental assumptions Evaluation of practice is
emphasized so that we are equipped to justify our protocol to ourselves and others. Carefully reasoned
explanations and updated physiotherapy techniques are covered in precise detail. There is integration of
theory and practice and emphasis on the hands-on aspect of physiotherapy. The glossary serves as a quick
reference guide and an explanation of abbreviations, which are usually defined once only in the text. It
has been greatly extended for the second edition and can be read in its own right as an extra physiology
chapter. The text is enthusiastically written, highly readable and enlivened by quotations from patients
whose experiences are a central theme throughout