Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow
كاتب: Jin-Young PARK Category: Sport injury Publisher: Springer منشور: 22 April، 2015 ISBN: B00WJDP704 صفحات: 497 اللغة: English File Size: 45,7MBSports are an important aspect of human lives. With our increasing average
life expectancy, the number of people who participate in sports is growing
rapidly. Consequently, treating sports injuries is emerging as an important
concern for professional and amateur athletes.
There are numerous books on sports injuries. This book not only presents
shoulder and elbow sports injuries but also outlines their treatment and rehabilitation protocols. There are many specialists who deal with sports injuries;
the best experts worldwide have worked together to help professional and
amateur athletes to improve their performance and understand the pathophysiology and treatment of the various sports injuries.
This book is not only for physicians and athletes but will also be useful for
athletic and physical trainers, physical therapists, sports-related nursing experts,
and other associated sports specialists. This book introduces the pathoanatomy
(biomechanics), clinical presentation, essential physical examination, diseasespecifi c clinical and arthroscopic pathology, treatment options, and rehabilitation for each injury or disease. Later in the book, rehabilitation methods for
each muscle are introduced, which will enable the medical team and sports
trainers to help athletes continue to participate in sports after injuries.