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Textbook of Pathology Sixth Edition

 كاتب: Harsh Mohan  Category: other  Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd  منشور: 1 February، 2010  ISBN: 8184487029  اللغة: English  File Size: 59.3MB

Completely Revised and Updated, Richly Illustrated, Easy-to-understand, a Comprehensive,
and Definitive Text on Pathology, OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Contemporary concepts on
diseasestheir causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classifications, morphology and clinical
aspects, in simple, easily understandable and reproducible, highly user-friendly and
unmatched approach. Thoroughly revised and updated contents with insertion of the most
recent information reflecting latest research, yet the basic accepted style remains unfiddled
and without addition to the girth of the book. Separate section on haematology, transfusion
medicine and lymphoreticular tissues, and separate chapters on laboratory techniques and
basic diagnostic cytology. Text enhanced by over 1600 labelled illustrations in colour for
clarityschematic representations, line-drawings of gross and microscopic appearance with
corresponding pictures of gross specimens and photomicrographs. Supplemented with over
250 tables listing important conditions and presenting contrasting features of closely
simulating conditions to clarify and easily understand difficult concepts. MCQs for users
desiring to review pathology in a hurry. All images and tables on the website for quick review
and self-assessment by the students and for use in lectures by the teachers. The textbook
has been primarily written for beginner students in pathology although resident doctors in
pathology and in other streams of medicine, and practising doctors may also find it useful and
Introduction to Pathology, CHAPTER 2: Techniques for the Study of Pathology 09,
CHAPTER 3: Cell Injury and Cellular Adaptations, CHAPTER 4: Immunopathology Including
Amyloidosis, CHAPTER 5: Derangements of Homeostasis and Haemodynamics, CHAPTER
6: Inflammation and Healing, CHAPTER 7: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, CHAPTER 8:
Neoplasia, CHAPTER 9: Environmental and Nutritional Diseases, CHAPTER 10: Genetic and
Paediatric Diseases, CHAPTER 11: Basic Diagnostic Cytology, Section II: HAEMATOLOGY
AND LYMPHORETICULAR TISSUES, CHAPTER 12: Introduction to Haematopoietic System
and Disorders of Erythroid Series, CHAPTER 13: Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders
and Basic Transfusion Medicine, CHAPTER 14: Disorders of Leucocytes and
Lymphoreticular Tissues, Section III: SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGY, CHAPTER 15: The Blood
Vessels and Lymphatics, CHAPTER 16: The Heart, CHAPTER 17: The Respiratory System,
CHAPTER 18: The Eye, ENT and Neck, CHAPTER 19: The Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands,
CHAPTER 20: The Gastrointestinal Tract, CHAPTER 21: The Liver, Biliary Tract and
Exocrine Pancreas, CHAPTER 22: The Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract, CHAPTER 23: The
Male Reproductive System and Prostate, CHAPTER 24: The Female Genital Tract,
CHAPTER 25: The Breast, CHAPTER 26: The Skin, CHAPTER 27: The Endocrine System,
CHAPTER 28: The Musculoskeletal System, CHAPTER 29: Soft Tissue Tumours. CHAPTER
30: The Nervous System
