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Textbook of Physiotherapy for Cardio-respiratory Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery Conditions

 كاتب: GB Madhuri  Category: Cardiopulmonary  Publisher: JAYPEE BROTHERS  منشور: 20 February، 2008  ISBN: 978- 81-8448-392-5  صفحات: 340  اللغة: English  File Size: 1.83MB

The book titled Textbook of Physiotherapy for Cardio-respiratory Cardiac  Surgery and Thoracic Surgery Conditions has been design to cater to the needs of the bachelor students of physiotherapy especially in their third and final years. This book is also useful to the professionals of physiotherapy, rehabilitation and other paramedics.

The book has been prepared as per the curriculum and requirement of degree course in India and also abroad. Books on this subject are yet not abundantly available. Very few textbooks are existing in the market which are written by foreign authors.

Physiotherapy is an essential and basic subject for the undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses. The book has been written in a systemic manner and opts a very simple approach in presenting the text. Recently, lots of advances have taken place in cardio-thoracic field. Utmost efforts have been made to cover all the necessary aspects of this subject. All the chapters have been written in a very simple and clearly expressed style.

Physiotherapy is an ever advancing field. The recent advances have made this subject very interesting and it is playing an important role in health care world. I have tried my best to make this book updated starting from introduction to recent advances. To make more informative, Glossary and Bibliography are given at the end of

the book.

