Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay Fifth Edition
كاتب: Sophie Levitt Category: Pediatric Publisher: Wiley- Blackwell منشور: 27 October، 2010 ISBN: 9781405176163, 1405176164 اللغة: English File Size: 15.47MBTreatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is first and foremost a practical book, a distillation of
Sophie Levitt’s considerable experience in treating those affected by cerebral palsy.
This fifth edition outlines therapeutic approaches and suggests treatment and management options,
providing a wealth of practical information, supported by clear diagrams and photographs, on
assessment, management and treatment. The book emphasises aneclectic, holistic approach, and
integrates current ideas on motor control and motor learning in a further development of Levitt’s
Collaborative Learning Approach. This new edition provides greater commentary on evidence-based
practice, a swell as practical, updated information on the use of BotulinumToxin, orthopaedic surgery
and the therapist’s role following these procedures.
The book is aimed primarily at practitioners and students concerned with the developmental abilities
and difficulties of children, particularly physiotherapists and occupational therapists working in
paediatrics. Doctors and other healthcare professionals will also find useful insights in the book.
Parents, families and also teachers of people with cerebral palsy can learn more about therapy by
consulting the book together with their therapist.
Written by an international authority in the field
Extensively revised, updated and well referenced
Emphasises an eclectic, functional and holistic approach
Highly illustrated
Promotes positive relationships between therapists, people with cerebral palsy and their
From the Foreword:
“I greatly welcome the fifth edition of this book which brings together the management of cerebral
palsies into a comprehensive but readable form… This book is in my view an essential part of both a
therapist’s and doctor’s basic understanding of the subject… This book remains essential for those
managing children with disability.’
—Brian Neville, Professor of Childhood Epilepsy, Professor of Paediatric Neurology ,University
College London, Institute of Child Health/Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust