
إختبار المعدات والأجهزة والطرق العلاجية

إختبار المعدات والأجهزة والطرق العلاجية من كتاب كابلن لإختبار العلاج الطبيعي الدولي


Equipment and Devices, and Therapeutic Modalities Quiz

Equipment and Devices, and Therapeutic Modalities Quiz from Kaplan NPTE book

1 / 15

A patient with diabetes and impaired sensation of bilateral feet presents with a Chopart disarticulation.
Where is this disarticulation?

2 / 15

Which one of the following pain control theories postulates that pain relief can come from stimulating
the production and circulation of the body's natural painkillers: endorphins, enkephalins, serotonin, and

3 / 15

A patient is referred to physical therapy for preopera-tive gait training with crutches. The physical
therapist measures the patient for the proper height of crutches. Ideally, the patient should have what
position of the elbows when using the crutches?

4 / 15

Which one of the following types of electrical stimula-tion would be MOST appropriate to assist with
pain and range of motion in a patient who has just had a CVA with resultant shoulder subluxation due to
muscle dysfunction?

5 / 15

A physical therapist is treating an athlete who has a diagnosis of turf toe due to hyperextension and
valgus stress of the great toe. The physical therapist decides to use a taping technique in treating this patient.
What is the purpose of taping in the treatment of turf toe?

6 / 15

A patient is referred to physical therapy following an acute ankle sprain. She has significant edema and
would benefit from intermittent compression/cryotherapy intervention. What inflation pressure is MOST
appropriate for this injury?

7 / 15

A physical therapist has chosen to use ultrasound to assist a patient in increasing tissue extensibility and
reducing muscle guarding prior to passive stretching. Which of the following parameters should be adjusted
on the basis of the depth of the tissues to be treated?

8 / 15

An 83-year-old patient with a transfemoral amputa-tion has a personal goal of household ambulation on
level indoor surfaces. He does not plan to ambulate on uneven ground or participate in sports. He is also
oxygen-dependent, with low activity tolerance. What type of prosthetic foot is MOST appropriate for this

9 / 15

Which one of the following types of electrical stimu-lation would be an example of a monophasic waveform?

10 / 15

Which one of the following patients would be MOST appropriate for the use of functional electrical

11 / 15

A physical therapist is performing manual cervical traction on a patient with cervical pain, with the goal
of temporarily increasing the patient's intervertebral joint space. What position of the neck is BEST to
achieve this goal?

12 / 15

A 27-year-old sustains a transtibial amputation due to a motorcycle accident. Immediately following the
injury, the patient has severe edema of the residual limb. The physical therapist establishes a goal of independence with elastic bandage application to mini-mize edema. What method should be used to wrap the
residual limb properly?

13 / 15

A 45-year-old patient with a transfemoral amputation ambulates independently with a wide base of
support and holds the affected lower extremity in abduction. What is the MOST likely prosthetic cause for
this gait deviation?

14 / 15

A physical therapist is seeing a patient with post-polio syndrome. The patient presents with bilateral
weak-ness of dorsiflexors, quadriceps, and hip extensors. His left lower extremity tends to collapse with
weight-bearing. First, the physical therapist performs gait training with a wheeled walker, but the patient still
has difficulty with left leg collapse. What orthosis is appropriate for this patient?

15 / 15

A 74-year-old patient is diagnosed with T8 compres-sion fracture. The surgeon orders a rigid thoracolumbar orthosis. The physical therapist educates the patient on the purpose of the orthosis. The main purpose
is to:

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The average score is 19%


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