إختبار شامل 1 اترك تعليقاً / كويزات / بواسطة Fatma Qeshta إختبار شامل من كتاب أسرار العلاج الطبيعي أسئلة متعددة الخيارات 101 Let the quiz begin , wish you happy time Good job Comprehensive Quizz 1 Comprehensive Quizz From Physiotherapy Secrets MCQ Book 1 / 25 1) Galvanic current is ___ a) Interrupted current b) An alternating current c) A direct current d) Modified current 2 / 25 2) UCBL insert is indicated for___ a) cavus foot b) flat foot c) equines foot d) CTEV 3 / 25 3) Pronation and supination take place on ______ a) Sagittal plane and frontal axis b) Frontal plane and sagittal axis c) Coronal plane and horizontal axis d) Transverse plane and vertical axis 4 / 25 4) Faradic current is ___ a) A direct current b) Interrupted current c) An alternating current d) Modified current 5 / 25 5) Resting position of gleno humeral joint is ______________ a) 45 degrees of abduction and 30 degrees of flexion and some internal rotation b) 30 degrees of abduction and 30 degrees of flexion and some external rotation c) 30 degrees of abduction and 60 degrees of horizontal abduction d) 60 degrees of abduction and 30 degrees of horizontal abduction b 6 / 25 6) Normal cholesterol to HDL ratio is___ a) 1-2 b) 5-7 c) 3-5 d) 2-3 7 / 25 7) Increased frequency of micturation during pregnancy is due to ___________ a) Elongated urethra b) All c) Compression of uterus by gravid uterus d) Dilatation of the ureter by the action of progesterone 8 / 25 8) Pulse ration is the ratio of current or voltage required a) 1 ms & 30 ms pulse b) 1 ms & 100 ms pulse c) By 110 ms & 30 ms pulse d) 1 ms & 10 ms pulse 9 / 25 9) Ceiling effect is a) Phenomena that describes highest score b) Phenomena that shows less improvement in percentile at upper end of scale c) More improvement of percentile at upper end of scale d) None of the above 10 / 25 10) Patients with spinocerebellar tract lesion will lack a) Ipsilateral upper limb control b) Ipsilateral upper limb and trunk control c) Contralateral upper limb and lower limb control. d) Ipsilateral lower limb & trunk control 11 / 25 11) Physiotherapy for shoulder impingement syndrome includes_____ a) managing ACJ degenerative arthritis b) balancing deltoid-ratator cuff and trapezius-serratus anterior force couples c) restoration of shoulder external rotation and scapular rotation d) all of the above 12 / 25 12) Mechanically the assistance/ resistance are most effective when it acts at ___ a) 0 degree b) Perpendicular c) Obtuse angle d) Acute angle 13 / 25 13) Anterior cerebral artery lesion will result in a) Contralateral lower limb sensory loss b) Ipsilateral lower limb sensory loss c) Ipsilateral upper limb sensory loss d) Both upper limb and lower limb sensory loss 14 / 25 14) Muscle is most efficient in______ range a) Inner part of middle b) Outer c) Outer part of middle d) Inner 15 / 25 15) Normally total cholesterol level is ______ a) < 200 mg/dl b) < 300 mg/dl c) < 250 mg/dl d) < 400 mg/dl 16 / 25 16) The name of the coil used to produce faradic current in past was a) Choke coil b) Smart bristow faradic coil c) None of above d) Induction coil 17 / 25 17) Weight of HAT is about ___________ % of bodyweight a) 70 % b) 40 % c) 60 % d) 50 % 18 / 25 18) Patients with subcortical lesion will have a) Loss of sensation of upper limb contralateral b) Loss of sensation of upper limb & lower limb contralateral c) Loss of sensation of upper limb, lower limb, trunk & face d) Loss of sensation upper limb, lower limb & face contralateral 19 / 25 19) Toe touching in long sitting position is --- a) Vajrasana b) Pashchimottanasana c) Bhujangasana d) Dhanurasana 20 / 25 20) Capsular pattern of shoulder joint is a) decrease of external rotation b) restriction of rotation and flexion c) restriction of external rotation and abduction d) restriction of lateral rotation 21 / 25 21) 13. Foot wear modification for calcaneal spurs is______ a) gouged out heel b) soft heel padding c) heel cuff d) heel wedge 22 / 25 22) Normal central venous pressure should be between a) 0 – 5 mmHg b) 0 – 10 mmHg c) 0 – 20 mmHg d) 0 – 15 mmHg 23 / 25 23) Middle cerebral artery lesion will result in a) None b) Contralateral sensory loss of upper limb. c) Contralateral sensory loss of upper limb, lower limb and face d) Ipsilateral sensory loss of whole trunk 24 / 25 24) Joint reaction force is a) Compressive force in a joint b) Compressive force & muscle rotatory force c) Compressive force of muscle & other soft tissues d) Compressive force & muscle compressive force 25 / 25 25) The commonest structures impinged is ____________ a) infraspinatus b) subacromial bursa c) supraspinatus d) long head of biceps Your score isThe average score is 37%Share your effort with your friends LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte Also you can visit our accounts on social media 0% Restart quiz