
إختبار شامل 2

إختبار شامل من كتاب أسرار العلاج الطبيعي أسئلة متعددة الخيارات

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Comprehensive Quizz 2

Comprehensive Quizz  From Physiotherapy Secrets  MCQ  Book

1 / 25

1) Which Asana flexes the whole body ?

2 / 25

2) One must avoid lying ________________ during late pregnancy

3 / 25

3) _________ splint is prescribed for buttonaire deformity

4 / 25

4) A patient is referred to you after three weeks of immobilization of shoulder
following a dislocation. You may begin treatment with all of the following except

5 / 25

5) Fracture shaft humerus is associated with

6 / 25

6) Post operative physiotherapy following Putti-platt surgery for anterior recurrent
shoulder dislocation are

7 / 25

7) Pulmonary artery hypertension is when mean PA pressure is

8 / 25

8) ------------------nervous system is/are responsible for bladder evacuation

9 / 25

9) Clonus is a sign of

10 / 25

10) The lever arm of gastrosoleus muscle force ankle joint

11 / 25

11) The electrode which can easily depolarize the membrane of a nerve is __

12 / 25

12) Anterior pelvic tilt is produced by ________

13 / 25

13) Which stimulator is more comfortable, safe but less accurate ?

14 / 25

14) _________ splint is prescribed for a case of median nerve injury

15 / 25

15) The average of the squared deviation from the mean is

16 / 25

16) The motor point of a muscle is found at

17 / 25

17) Natural speed for every active exercise varies from individual to individual and in
the same individual from time to time. Choose the correct answer regarding the
speed of movement

18 / 25

18) Which is not a complication of hyper inflation ?

19 / 25

19) Post operative physiotherapy following fracture clavicle includes___

20 / 25

20) Muscles are most often used in the middle range during activities of daily livings,
so most efficient within this range

21 / 25

21) Which is not a anatomical pulley

22 / 25

22) Broca’s area is present in

23 / 25

23) Nerve accommodation can be avoided by -------

24 / 25

24) Deep tendon reflex is exaggerated in lesion

25 / 25

25) Which is not a complication of suction ?

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