إختبار شامل 2 اترك تعليقاً / كويزات / بواسطة Fatma Qeshta إختبار شامل من كتاب أسرار العلاج الطبيعي أسئلة متعددة الخيارات 0 votes, 0 avg 52 Let the quiz begin , wish you happy time Good job Comprehensive Quizz 2 Comprehensive Quizz From Physiotherapy Secrets MCQ Book 1 / 25 1) Which Asana flexes the whole body ? a) Pawan Muktasana b) Matsyasana c) Bhujangasana d) Dhanurasana 2 / 25 2) One must avoid lying ________________ during late pregnancy a) Side lying on left b) Side lying on right c) None d) Supine 3 / 25 3) _________ splint is prescribed for buttonaire deformity a) cock-up b) knuckle bender c) short opponens d) gutter 4 / 25 4) A patient is referred to you after three weeks of immobilization of shoulderfollowing a dislocation. You may begin treatment with all of the following except_____ a) active resisted ROM exercises b) passive ROM exercises c) isokinetic exercise with high speed d) isometric shoulder exercises 5 / 25 5) Fracture shaft humerus is associated with a) axillary nerve injury b) brachial plexus injury c) radial nerve injury d) Median nerve injury 6 / 25 6) Post operative physiotherapy following Putti-platt surgery for anterior recurrentshoulder dislocation are a) isometric contraction of rotator cuff after surgery b) progressive strengthening can be started after 3-4 weeks c) mobilization of shoulder can be started after 3-4 weeks d) active movements can be started after 3-4 weeks 7 / 25 7) Pulmonary artery hypertension is when mean PA pressure is a) > 40 mmHg b) > 30 mmHg c) > 10 mmHg d) > 20 mmHg 8 / 25 8) ------------------nervous system is/are responsible for bladder evacuation a) Parasympathetic b) Sympathetic c) Somatic d) Sympathetic & parasympathetic 9 / 25 9) Clonus is a sign of a) Peripheral nerve injury b) Lower motor neuron lesion c) All of the above d) Upper motor neuron lesion 10 / 25 10) The lever arm of gastrosoleus muscle force ankle joint a) 1” b) 1.5” c) 2” d) 3” 11 / 25 11) The electrode which can easily depolarize the membrane of a nerve is __ a) None of the above b) Called indifferent electrode c) Negatively charged d) Positively charged 12 / 25 12) Anterior pelvic tilt is produced by ________ a) Hip adductors and trunk side flexors b) Non of the above c) hip flexors and lumbar extensors d) Hip extensors and abdominals 13 / 25 13) Which stimulator is more comfortable, safe but less accurate ? a) None of the above b) Constant voltage c) Both d) Constant current 14 / 25 14) _________ splint is prescribed for a case of median nerve injury a) short opponens b) pan cake c) cock-up d) knuckle bender 15 / 25 15) The average of the squared deviation from the mean is a) None of the above b) Variance c) Standard deviation d) Interquartile range 16 / 25 16) The motor point of a muscle is found at a) Proximal 1/4th with distal 3/4th of muscle belly b) 50% of muscle length c) Proximal 1/3rd and distal 2/3rd of muscle belly d) Proximal 2/3rd and distal one third of muscle belly 17 / 25 17) Natural speed for every active exercise varies from individual to individual and inthe same individual from time to time. Choose the correct answer regarding thespeed of movement a) Movement at natural speed requires greater muscular effort and control b) All of the above c) Movement at reduced speed requires optimal force d) Movement at increased speed requires strong muscular effort 18 / 25 18) Which is not a complication of hyper inflation ? a) Increased cardiac output b) Bronchospasm c) Decreased cardiac output d) Penumothorax 19 / 25 19) Post operative physiotherapy following fracture clavicle includes___ a) all of the above b) shoulder rotation mobilization c) avoidance of elevation and lifting weight d) active free shoulder movements 20 / 25 20) Muscles are most often used in the middle range during activities of daily livings,so most efficient within this range a) All of the above b) Exercise in inner range is used for training stabilization c) Exercise in outer range is used for muscle re-education d) Exercise in middle range is used for muscle tone and power 21 / 25 21) Which is not a anatomical pulley a) Peroneal contraction b) Hamstring contraction c) FDP contraction d) Quadriceps contraction 22 / 25 22) Broca’s area is present in a) Occipital lobe b) Frontal lobe c) Frontal lobe d) Parietal lobe 23 / 25 23) Nerve accommodation can be avoided by ------- a) None of the above b) Using a varying current that rises and falls suddenly c) Surging the current d) Using varying current 24 / 25 24) Deep tendon reflex is exaggerated in lesion a) None of the above b) Upper motor neuron c) Lower motor neuron d) Peripheral nerve injury 25 / 25 25) Which is not a complication of suction ? a) Atelectasis b) Hypotension c) Vagal stimulation d) Cough Your score isThe average score is 34%Share your effort with your friends LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte Also you can visit our accounts on social media 0% Restart quiz Please rate the quiz from 1 to 5 stars Send feedback