Mosby’s stretching pocket guide
كاتب: Sandra K. Anderson Category: Theraputic Exercise Publisher: Mosby منشور: 9 December، 2013 ISBN: 032322640X اللغة: English File Size: 3.91MBfrom basic static stretches to advanced techniques like the pin-and-stretch, Mosby’s Stretching Pocket
Guide defines and explains stretching and flexibility in a way that is both applicable to manual therapy
professionals and easily understood by manual therapy students. Presented in an atlas format with over
200 illustrations, this convenient reference has Spotlight boxes with salient points, and general
assessment and stretching guidelines available in a clear, easy to understand format that is immediately
applicable to manual therapy practice.
“There is excellent practical advice about the dangers of over-zealous stretching and the clearest
warnings about the harm can be done and how long it may take this harm to settle. I wonder if the day of
the pocket guide is almost over, to be replaced by the mobile phone or tablet on which these various
stretching illustrations can all be shown in colour (and maybe with movement). If there is not already an
app for stretching, I guess there soon will be.” Reviewed by: Andrew Watson, Nottingham Date: Aug
Over 200 detailed line drawings and photos demonstrate basic and advanced stretching techniques.
Atlas format helps you quickly and easily find the stretching technique and pertinent information you
Coverage of basic information on stretching, flexibility, and range of motion gives you just the right
amount of background information to help you understand the body mechanics involved in stretching
Spotlight boxes highlight key concepts so you can check and reinforce facts at a glance.
Glossary of stretching terms helps you to understand the language of the body in terms of stretching.
List of references helps you obtain more detailed information when necessary