Muscle Exercises Encyclopedia
كاتب: Oscar Moran and Isabel Arechabala Category: Theraputic Exercise Publisher: Meyer & Meyer Fachverlag und Buchhandel GmbH منشور: 1 April، 2012 ISBN: 1841263508 صفحات: 324 اللغة: English File Size: 24,2MBIn this book, the author explains that many of the false beliefs currently found in gyms and sports centers
are based on no more than myths and habit, or on individual experiences that cannot be generalized.
From a biological standpoint, we should remember that each individual has his/her own thresholds for
absorbing workouts, and what may be good for one person could lead to injury in another. It is a paradox
of physical exercise that we do it to improve our health, yet many activities can actually be detrimental if
done improperly due to ignorance or bad advice.
This book addresses scientific questions to help the reader understand the issues, but not in so much detail
as to put off those who are looking for quick, effective solutions. The approach taken is rational and based
on know-how gained from years of experience. The author, then, wishes to advocate a blend of science and
I find this book contains and clearly explains all the information a reader could want. It steers clear of myths
and false ideas about weight training, and takes a rational approach to the key issues for successful training.
I truly believe that this book will prove easy to use for those who work in gyms and people who want or need
appropriate guidance for their workouts. It is worth reading carefully and drawing your own conclusions
about exercise without being led astray by half-baked ideas and bad advice.