Comprehensive kaplan Quiz 3 Leave a Comment / Quizzes / By Fatma Qeshta Comprehensive Quiz 1 from Kaplan NPTE book 8 Kaplan Comprehensive exam 3 Comprehensive exam 3 from Kaplan NPTE book 1 / 25 A patient enters the clinic with low back pain. On eval-uation of gait, there is a unilateral drop foot.Which reflex should the physical therapist test to confirm the level of nerve root involvement? Achilles tendon reflex No reflex at this level Posterior tibial reflex Patellar tendon reflex 2 / 25 A physical therapist is researching what percentage of patients who have had a total knee arthroplasty atthe local hospital received follow-up outpatient physical therapy. He obtains a list of people who have hadthis surgery in the last year. He intends to call each person on the list to obtain this information. How shouldhe word this question when speaking with each patient? "Did you attend outpatient physical therapy services after your recent knee surgery?" "How many physical therapy treatments did you receive following your total knee arthroplasty?" "Didn't you need to go to a physical therapist after your knee surgery?" "Did you seek the services of a licensed physical therapist following your total knee arthroplasty for increased range of motion and strength?" 3 / 25 A physical therapist suspects development of endo-crine disease in a patient he is treating. Which tissueswould be MOST likely to be influenced by endocrine dysfunction? Connective tissues Bony tissues Vascular tissues Nervous tissues 4 / 25 A physical therapist decides to incorporate ener-gy conservation techniques into the treatment of apatient with post-polio syndrome. What is the goal of this intervention? Decrease pain Decrease the work of muscles Increase muscular strength Improve posture 5 / 25 Which of the following is an example of procedural knowledge? The spinal level tested in the Achilles tendon. reflex is $1-$2. The Achilles tendon is attached to the gastrocne-mius muscle. The Achilles tendon reflex involves the tibial nerve. To perform the test for the Achilles tendon reflex, tap the Achilles tendon. 6 / 25 A physical therapist is reviewing the medication list of a current patient. He notices a list of medicationsthe patient has taken or is currently taking to manage his back pain, which is extensive. Which one of thefol-lowing pain medications could produce tolerance and physical addiction? NSAIDs Acetaminophen Codeine Aspirin 7 / 25 Which major nerve is NOT included in the brachial plexus? Obturator nerve Radial nerve Median nerve Musculocutaneous nerve 8 / 25 A physical therapist is treating a patient who has bal-ance deficits. The therapist asks the patient to standwith her feet together and maintain standing balance with therapist-initiated challenges to balance. Thetherapist places her left hand at the patient's right anterior shoulder and her right hand at the patient's left hipand then increases pressure. If balance is main-tained, the therapist places pressure on the posterior shoulderand anterior hip. What treatment technique is this therapist using? Range of motion Therapeutic exercise Craniosacral therapy Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 9 / 25 A physical therapist has received a physician order for nonselective debridement of a 2 cm wound on apatient's coccyx. The patient is non-ambulatory but is transferred to a chair and repositioned regularlythroughout the day. Which method of hydrotherapy would BEST suit this patient? Pulsatile lavage Hubbard tank Highboy whirlpool Irrigation 10 / 25 A stabbing victim is in the hospital's intensive care unit. Besides suffering an incomplete C6 spinal cordinjury, he also has other internal organ injuries. The knife caused damage to his pleura, which allowed air toleak into the pleural space. What is the BEST term for his condition? Pneumonia Pneumothorax Atelectasis Pleural effusion 11 / 25 A patient uses a manual wheelchair for independent mobility. The patient presents to physical therapywith complaints of difficulty propelling the wheelchair with the upper extremities, difficulty negotiatingnarrow hallways, and leaning to one side. The physical thera-pist determines that the wheelchair is which ofthe following? Too high Too narrow Too low Too wide 12 / 25 Following a mastectomy, a female patient has lymph-edema of the right arm. She is referred to physicaltherapy for the management of the lymphedema. What treatment intervention is appropriate for this patient? Limiting range of motion to passive Keeping the right arm in a sling Compression wraps of the entire right arm Keeping the right arm in a dependent position 13 / 25 A physical therapist suspects that a patient has an elec-trolyte imbalance that is affecting muscularcontrac-tions and causing muscle cramping during exercise. Which of the following ions is NOT anelectrolyte needed for peak muscular function? Calcium Selenium Magnesium Potassium 14 / 25 A physical therapist is evaluating a patient who has complaints of hip pain and tightness. Whichfunction-al test of the hip would BEST provide a quick screen for a capsular pattern of the hip? Bridging Backward walking Squat to the floor Side-stepping 15 / 25 A physical therapist is treating a patient in a nursing home for low back pain. On his third physicaltherapy session, the patient begins to complain of right flank pain and generally not feeling well. His chartshows that his temperature was 100°F yesterday and 102°F (39°C) today. He has also been calling forassistance to the bathroom more frequently. What may be the reason for the new symptoms? Colon cancer Neurogenic bladder Diverticulitis Urinary tract infection 16 / 25 A physical therapist is evaluating a women's health patient with a chief complaint of involuntary leakageof urine. The patient describes it as occurring when she coughs, sneezes, or runs on the treadmill. Whichdiagnosis would BEST fit these symptoms? Stress incontinence Urge incontinence Spastic bladder Neurogenic bladder 17 / 25 A researcher decides to design a cohort study that examines the development of cerebral palsy in infantsborn to overweight mothers. He decides to study the children from birth to eight years of age. What type ofresearch design is this? Randomized clinical trial Descriptive study Cohort study Case study 18 / 25 An 80-year-old resident of a nursing home has a stage I pressure ulcer on her coccyx. She is incontinentand needs moderate assistance with toileting. She is unable to reliably complete perianal hygiene herself.The physical therapist recommends what treatment interventions by the nursing staff? Bathing the patient only biweekly Allowing the patient to complete toileting herself Toileting schedule and application of protective ointment to the perianal area Referral to a surgeon 19 / 25 A physical therapist has been treating a patient for neck pain for seven weeks. The patient is no longer inneed of skilled therapy services but really likes the soft-tissue mobilization he has been getting. On his finalsched-uled appointment, the patient brings in two free movie passes and suggests he continue for one moreweek. What would be the MOST appropriate plan of action? Graciously declining the gift but agreeing to one more week of therapy Accepting the gift and explaining again the rea-son for discharge Accepting the gift and agreeing to one more week of therapy Graciously declining the gift and explaining again the reason for discharge 20 / 25 A football player is cutting to one side to make a tackle when he tears his anterior cruciate ligament.What type of injury is this an example of? Macroirauma Compression Transection Microtrauma 21 / 25 The lymphatic system drains into two large ducts. What are these terminal lymphatic vessels called? Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava Right and left lymphatic ducts Thoracic and cervical ducts Right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct 22 / 25 A physical therapist is assisting a patient with some advanced gait activities to improve balance andmobil-ity. When guarding the patient, the physical therapist should be in which of the following positions? At a 45° angle behind the patient At a 45° angle in front of the patient Directly in front of the patient Directly behind the patient 23 / 25 A patient is referred to physical therapy for pelvic floor muscle retraining for urinary incontinence. Shedescribes her incontinence as occurring when she sneezes or coughs or when she lifts her grandson. Whichtype of pelvic floor muscle exercise would be BEST suited for this patient? Ten reps of quick pelvic floor contractions Five reps of pelvic floor resistive strengthening with vaginal weights, to fatigue Five reps of pelvic floor isometrics to fatigue Ten reps of pelvic floor isometrics, holding for seconds 24 / 25 A patient presents to a physical therapy clinic with low back and buttock pain. The physical therapist haschosen to use mechanical lumbar traction for pain management and centralization of symptoms. Whichclinical finding would be a contraindication for the use of lumbar traction? Spinal nerve root irritation Segmental joint hypermobility Segmental joint hypomobility Guarding of lumbar paraspinals 25 / 25 A physical therapist has just completed an initial evaluation on a patient who was referred with shoul-derpain from a rotator cuff tear. As part of his inter-vention, the therapist performed manual therapy andinstructed the patient in therapeutic exercise. Which of these would he use as his CPT code(s)? Initial evaluation, manual therapy, and thera-peutic exercise Initial evaluation Shoulder pain Rotator cuff tear Your score isThe average score is 25% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz