Palestinian Ministry of Health Exam Leave a Comment / Quizzes / By Fatma Qeshta Test for the appointment of a physiotherapist in the Palestinian Ministry of Health 56 Created on October 31, 2022 By Fatma Qeshta Palestinian Ministry of Health Exam Test for the appointment of a physiotherapist in the Palestinian Ministry of Health 1 / 50 The normal range of motion for shoulder extension? 0-80 0-40 0-60 0-70 2 / 50 The term" cardiac output" refers to the amount of blood pumped by the heart? Relative to body mass During one hour During one minute During any 24-hour period 3 / 50 The shoulder joint is? Saddle joint Ball & sockt joint Hinge joint Plane joint 4 / 50 When teaching a patient the 4 point crutch gait pattern, which of thefollowing answer below describes this pattern? L) crutch, (R) foot, (R) crutch, (L) foot crutch, (R)foot, (L) crutch, (L) foot (L) crutch, (R) crutch, swing through, (R) foot (L) crutch, (R) foot, (L) foot, (R) crutch 5 / 50 A patient with a dull ache over the medial epicondyle or medial aspectof the right elbow, this condition most likely to be : Tennis elbow Golfer's elbow None of the above Tenosynovitis elbow 6 / 50 Characteristic features of spasticity - the muscle tone is increased: In flexors of the arms and legs In flexors of the arms and in extensors of the legs In extensors of the arms and legs In extensors of the arms and in flexors of the legs 7 / 50 Hypertension is: All of the above Handicap An impairment A disability 8 / 50 All of the following are acceptable evaluation tools with a hemiplegicpatient, except? All are acceptable Mobility evaluation Range of motion Manual muscle testing 9 / 50 Which of the following segment is involved in the knee jerk? s3-s5 L3-L4 L1-L2 S1-S2 10 / 50 The distal row of carpal bones includes all the following except? Capiatate Trapezoid Hamate Pisiform 11 / 50 What should be the typical treatment temperature for paraffin? 40 °C 50° C 60 °C 126 °C 12 / 50 All of the following may be the anatomical basis of spastic paraparesisinvolving legs except: Parasagital processes Lesion to the D7-D12 segment of the spinal cord Lesion to the LI-S3 segment of the spinal cord Lesion to the D3-D6 segment of the spinal cord 13 / 50 The medial boundary of the anatomic snuffbox is? Extensor pollicis brevis Flexor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus Abductor pollicis brevis 14 / 50 The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is classified as what type ofjoint? Uniaxial Biaxial Saddle Hinge 15 / 50 Muscle which approximates and compresses lips? Risorius Levator anguli oris Zygomatic major Orbicularis oris 16 / 50 The talus articulate anteriorly with the? Medial cuneiform Navicular Cuboid bone Lateral cuneiform 17 / 50 When the patella tendon pull of a portion of the tibial tuberosity, this iscalled: Comminuted fracture Complicated fracture Avulsion fracture Tendon sprain 18 / 50 A fracture of the midshaft of the humerus would most likely damagewhich nerve? Subscapular nerve Ulnar nerve Radial nerve Median nerve 19 / 50 Cardiac sources of embolic stroke include: Heart wall thrombus following anterior myocardial infarction Atrial fibrillation All of the above Prosthetic heart valve 20 / 50 A movement not under direet patient control and not done in isolation? Hyper mobility Physiological movement Accessory movement Passive movement 21 / 50 The first stage of fracture healing is? Callus formation Subperiosteal proliferation Haematoma Remodeling 22 / 50 Exercises for cerebellar ataxia? Frankel's Codman's Burger Allen Williams 23 / 50 Modifiable risk factors for stroke include except: Smoking Diabetes mellitus Age Hypertension 24 / 50 What is the normal end-feel perceived by an examiner assessing wristflexion? Soft tissue approximation Bone to bone Tissue stretch Empty 25 / 50 Every exercise prescription should include all of the following except? Duration of exercise Intensity of exercise Frequency of exercise Time of day to exercise 26 / 50 The prime mover of hip flexion? Sartorius Psoas major Pectineus Tensor fascia lata 27 / 50 The following are chronic respiratory disorders except? Bronchitis Tuberculosis Asthma Emphysema 28 / 50 Which of the following tissues absorbs the least amount of ultrasoundbeam at 1MHz?(A. BoneB. SkinC. MuscleD. Blood Skin Muscle Bone Blood 29 / 50 During walking, the swing phase comprise: 60 % of the gait eycle 80 % of the gait cycle 20% of the gait cycle 40% of the gait cycle 30 / 50 High step gait "Steppage gait" may associate with the injury of the: Superfacial femoral nerve Peroneal nerve Femoral nerve Tibial nerve 31 / 50 Having a patient perform maximum contraction then maximumrelaxation is called? Contract/relax Rhythmic stabilization Slow reversal hol Slow reversal 32 / 50 For a 31-year-old women with lateral epicondylitis, which is the trueconcerning the frequency of ultrasound in this application: Ultrasound is contraindicated for this case 3.0 MHz should be used 1.0 MHz should be used 3.0 MHz and 1.0 MHz are equally effective 33 / 50 Which of the following planes will divide the body into front and backparts for the purpose of kinesiology: Horizontal Frontal Sagittal Rotary 34 / 50 Impaired oxygenation of the tissue defines? Anemia Hypoxia Histotoxia Ischemia 35 / 50 Which is not characteristic of the lower motor neuron lesion? Muscle fasciculation Hyporeflexia of deep reflexes Muscle hypotrophy Hyperreflexia of deep reflexes 36 / 50 When treating a patient suffering from chronic low back pain and usinga pacemaker, which of the following treatment is contraindicated forpain relief? Hot packs Ultrasound Pelvic traction TENS 37 / 50 For 5 day old cerebral palsy infant with an abnormal amount ofextensor tone, which will be the correct positioning advice to his family? Keep him in the side lying position Keep him in the prone position B and C are correct Keep him in the supine position 38 / 50 A patient with a burn on the elbow should be placed in which of thefollowing positions? Extension, supination Flexion Extension, pronation Flexion, pronation 39 / 50 Deformity of a finger with extension at the proximal interphalangealjoint and flexion at the distal interphalngeal joint is called: Claw hand Dupuytren's Boutonniere Swan neck 40 / 50 Muscular rigidity is a common sign of: Spinal cord injury Parkinson disease Gullian-Barre syndrome Cauda equina lesion 41 / 50 Exchange of thermal energy in which there is physical contact between 2surfaces? None of the above Conduction Conversion Convection 42 / 50 Treating a patient with diffuse ankle pain and advanced peripheralarterial disease, which of the following modalities should be used? None of the above Hot packs Continuous ultrasound Ice packs 43 / 50 Major complications of subarachnoid hemorrhage include: Vasospasm All of the above Rebleeding Hydrocephalus 44 / 50 All of the following are indications of shortwave diathermy except: Chronic bronchitis Chronic otitis media Acute inflammation Chronic arthritis 45 / 50 Edema may be defined as? A & B are wrong Excess fluid in the intercellular space A & B are correct Excess fluid in the interstitial space 46 / 50 A condition in which the pleural cavity is filled with air describes? Hemothorax neumothorax Asphyxia Ventilation 47 / 50 The blood supply to the heart itself occurs through the: Microcirculation Coronary circulation Pulmonary circulation Aorta 48 / 50 To prevent pressure ulcers most effectively, what should be themaximum amount of time between position changes? 2 hours 8 hours 6 hours I hour 49 / 50 Which of the following is not a feature of the cauda equina syndrome? Flaccid paresis and muscle Atrophy Muscle hypertonia Asymmetric neurological signs Sphincters dysfunction 50 / 50 When massaging a muscle, which one of the following techniquesinvolves lifting and kneading of the tissues? .Effleurage massage Tapotement massage Friction massage Petrissage massage Your score isThe average score is 45% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz