Cardiothoracic Quiz Leave a Comment / Quizzes / By Fatma Qeshta Cardiothoracic Quiz from Physiotherapy Secrets MCQ 33 Cardiothoracic Cardiothoracic Quiz from Physiotherapy Secrets MCQ 1 / 25 Commonest embolus originates from Fat DVT Varicose veins Air 2 / 25 The frequency of manual vibration is 12 – 20 Hz 20 – 25 Hz 5 – 12 Hz None of the above 3 / 25 What is the best position of ventilation for asymmetrical involvement of chest? Lying on uninvolved side Lying on involved side Lying on uninvolved side with arms below 90 degrees of shoulder flexion Lying on involved side with arms below 90 degrees of shoulder flexion 4 / 25 Sclerotherapy is used for Acute venous insufficiency Chronic venous insufficiency None of the above Lymphatic disease 5 / 25 Equal pressure point in low lung volume remains at Trachea Segmental bronchi Lobar bronchi Alveoli 6 / 25 Patients with high functional capacity but low reserve need None of the above Progressive training course Longer training course Shorter training course 7 / 25 Normal lung can withstand how much pressure? 100 cmH2O 200 cmH2O 150 cm H2O 120 cmH2O 8 / 25 To inhibit diaphragm which position is safer Semi sitting Semi sitting with anterior pelvic tilt None of the above Prone on elbows 9 / 25 Thrombophlebitis ________________ Develops silently Develops in deep vessles Develops in superficial vessels Usually give rise to embolism 10 / 25 In ventilation the set respiratory rate in adults is usually ______________ min None of the above 10 – 12 12 – 18 136 20 – 22 11 / 25 When the patient can be kept in SIMV 70 % FIO2 – for 1 hr – ABG normal If 50 % FIO2 kept for ½ anhour ABG – normal None of the above 70 % FIO2 for ½ an hour ABG – Normal 12 / 25 At what phase of cough the intra thoracic pressure rises to the maximum during Glottic closure Inspiratory phase Expiratory phase Contraction of expiratory muscles 13 / 25 Ventilators brings down haemodynamics by around 20 % 50 % 10 % 30 % 14 / 25 Which of the following will not help to produce cough? Application of ice below axilla 128 Manual ventilation Extra thoracic tracheal pressure Change of position 15 / 25 The effective prescription for chronic arterial occlusion are the following except Active graded exercise Warm outer foot wear in winter Passive limb positioning exercise Use of rocker sole shoe 16 / 25 False high BP reading will occur if ___. All of the above Cuff is too small Brachial artery is lower than the heart level Cuff applied loosely 17 / 25 Vibrations should be less vigorous for patients with Lung abscess Asthma # Thoracic spine Chronic bronchitis 18 / 25 The relationship of Ph withPaCO2 is For every 10mmHg rise in PaCO2 decrease the pH by 0.10 For every 20mmHg rise in PaCO2 decrease the pH by 0.10 For every 20mmHg fall in PaCO2 increase the pH by 0.10 For every 20mmHg rise in PaCO2 increase the pH by 0.10 19 / 25 Drainage bottle must be placed None of the above Same level Higher than thepatient Lower than the patient 20 / 25 Normal central venous pressure should be between 0 – 15 mmHg 0 – 10 mmHg 0 – 5 mmHg 0 – 20 mmHg 21 / 25 Normally total cholesterol level is ______. < 300 mg/dl < 400 mg/dl < 250 mg/dl < 200 mg/dl 22 / 25 In case of SCI when the diaphragm is innervated but the intercostals and abdominals are paralyzed the aim of breathing exercise is to Diaphragm action is kept in check Diaphragm should be used to its maximum Encourage use of diaphragm 23 / 25 Which is the pacemaker of the heart? SA node AV bundle AV node Purkinje fibres 24 / 25 Infant BP is 120/80 100/80 60/40 80/60 25 / 25 When PaCo2 is increased the following should be done except Increase respiratory rate Increase tidal volume Increase mechanical deadspace Decrease mechanical dead space Your score isThe average score is 36% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz