Neuroscience Quiz Leave a Comment / Quizzes / By Fatma Qeshta Neuroscience Quiz from physiotherapy secrets MCQ book 44 Neuroscience Neuroscience Quiz from physiotherapy secrets MCQ 1 / 25 1. Deep tendon reflex is exaggerated in lesion A. Upper motor neuron 92 B. Peripheral nerve injury C. None of the above D. Lower motor neuron 2 / 25 2. Clonus is a sign of A. Peripheral nerve injury B. Upper motor neuron lesion C. Lower motor neuron lesion D. All of the above. 3 / 25 3. In two point discrimination the distance between two points in palm is A. None B. 7 – 10 mm C. 10- 15 mm D. 5 – 6 mm 4 / 25 4. Which one among the following is true for polyneuropathy? A. All reflexes are diminished B. Asymmetrical loss of reflex C. All reflexes are lost D. Distal tendon reflexes affected before proximal 5 / 25 5. Dissosiated sensory loss is found in A. Lateral spinalcord lesion B. Spinothalamic tract lesion C. Polyneuropathy D. Central spinal cord lesion 6 / 25 6. Dopamine is synthesized by A. Globus pallidum B. Substantia nigra C. Putamen D. Subthalmaic nucleus 7 / 25 7. Supplemental motor area lesion will result in A. Flaccid paralysis of ipsilateral B. Spastic paralysis contralateral C. In co-ordination D. Motor apraxia in the absence of motor or sensory impairment 8 / 25 8. Segmental demyelination is the predominant pathology in------------------ A. Guillain-bare syndrome B. Ischemic neuropathy C. Lead poisoning D. Nutritional neuropathy 9 / 25 9. Oppenheim’s reflex is A. Stroking outer border of sole elicits ankle dorsi flexion B. Extension of great toe with firm moving pressure on the skin over tibia C. None of the above D. Stroking on inner border elicits flexor response 10 / 25 10. The dyskinesia which resembles fragments of purposive movement is A. Athetosis B. Hemiballismus C. Chorea D. Dystonia 11 / 25 11. Decusation of cortico-spinal tract occur at A. Above medulla B. Junction of medulla and spinal cord C. Spinal cord D. Pons 12 / 25 12. Which somatosensory system possess more discriminative properties A. Lemniseal B. None of the above C. Spinothlamic D. Spinocerebellar 13 / 25 13. Weber’s syndrome is _____________ A. Occulomotor nerve palsy and contralateral hemiplegia B. Facial nerve palsy and contralateral hemiplegia C. Occulomotor abducens and optic nerve palsy and contralateral hemiplegia D. Facial nerve, trigeminal nerve palsy and contralateral hemiplegia. 14 / 25 14. Spinal muscular atrophy type 4 and 5 presents A. Childhood B. Pre pubescent C. At infancy D. After adolescence 15 / 25 15. Fasciculation is not found in A. Syringomyelia B. Intervertibral disc protrusion C. Cervical myelopathy D. Stroke 16 / 25 16. Appreciation of localization of light touch is lost when there is injury of A. Brainstem B. Sensory cortex C. Peripheral nerve D. Thalamus 17 / 25 17. Paleocerebellum chiefly concerned with A. Information from stretch receptors. B. Involuntary function C. Voluntary function D. Posture 18 / 25 18. Removal of somato-sensory (SII) area leads to ---- A. Impairment of perception of shape of object B. Impairment of perception of both shape & texture of object C. Impairment of perception of texture D. Impairment of postural sense 19 / 25 19. Secondary nerve repair is done--------- weeks after injury. A. None of the above B. 1-3 C. 6-12 D. 3-6 20 / 25 20. The chest wall mobility of parkinson’s disease can be improved by using _____________ A. PNF one upper limb D2 flexion and extension with lower limb D2 flexion and extension and vice versa. B. PNF one upper limb D12flexion and extension and another upper limb D2 flexion and extension and vice versa. C. PNF upper extremity bilateral symmetrical D1 flexion and extension 101 D. PNF upper extremity bilateral symmetrical D2 flexion and extension ans:a 21 / 25 21. Loss of light touch sensation is ------. A. Anesthesia B. Aptopogrosia C. Dysethesia D. Atothiguranethesia 22 / 25 22. A cerebral cortical lesion usually causes A. Crossed hemiplegia B. Quadriplegia C. Hemiplegia D. Monoplegia 23 / 25 23. Which one among the following is milder variety of neuromuscular disease A. SMA type2 B. BMD C. SMA type 1 D. DMD 24 / 25 24. Patients with spinocerebellar tract lesion will lack A. Ipsilateral upper limb and trunk control B. Ipsilateral lower limb & trunk control C. Ipsilateral upper limb control D. Contralateral upper limb and lower limb control. 25 / 25 25. Polymyositis is A. Muscle degenerating disease B. Not myopathy C. Inflammatory myopathy D. Infective myopathy Your score isThe average score is 38% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz