Comprehensive kaplan Quiz 1 Leave a Comment / Quizzes / By Fatma Qeshta Comprehensive Quiz 1 from Kaplan NPTE book 17 Kaplan Comprehensive Quiz 1 Comprehensive Quiz 1 from Kaplan NPTE book 1 / 25 A patient presents to physical therapy with difficulty with gait. Upon inspection of the skin of the lowerextremities, the physical therapist finds dark-brown staining of the skin. The patient complains of leg painthat worsens throughout the day. There is edema of bilateral lower extremities. The skin is moist to the touchthrough the lower extremities. The physical therapist takes a thorough health history, in which the patientrelates that she has had a deep vein thrombosis in the past. The physical therapist places the patient at riskfor what type of wound? Pressure ulcer Arterial ulcer Venous ulcer Neoplastic ulcer 2 / 25 A patient has been referred to physical therapy with shoulder pain and a diagnosis of chronic rotator cufftendonitis. Prior to the referral, the patient received his third injection of hydrocortisone. Which of the following is NOT a physiologic effect of hydrocortisone on the body? Delays healing Decreases the muscle's ability to contract Decreases bone formation Decreases the inflammatory response 3 / 25 A patient is being seen for physical therapy evaluation and treatment three days post-ACL reconstructionwith a hamstring graft. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate home exercise program togive this patient on his initial surgical follow-up visit? Quad sets and straight leg raises Heel slides and short arc quad exercise Heel slides and quad sets Heel slides and wall squats to 90° 4 / 25 A patient has been referred to physical therapy for evaluation and treatment of knee pain. The patient isalso undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Which of the following treatment interventions wouldNOT be appropriate for this patient? Cycling for 20 minutes at 50 percent max heart rate Cryotherapy Moderate-resistance strength training Joint mobilization to the tibia-femoral joint 5 / 25 An outpatient physical therapist is treating a patient after a cerebrovascular accident. A patient presentswith weakness of the left side and difficulty maintain-ing dynamic sitting balance. The therapist decides tohave the patient perform a proprioceptive neuromus-cular facilitation technique of D1 flexion and extension. What is the starting position of D1 flexion when used for the left upper extremity? Left elbow extension, shoulder extension and abduction Left elbow extension, shoulder flexion and abduction Left elbow flexion, shoulder extension and adduc-tion Left elbow flexion, shoulder flexion and adduction 6 / 25 A physical therapist is evaluating a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant. He suspects she may have acervical disc herniation. Which of the following diagnostic tests is NOT contraindicated during pregnancy? Magnetic resonance imaging Computed tomography scan Plain X-ray Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast 7 / 25 What is the thickest layer of the heart wall called? Epicardium Pericardium Endocardium Myocardium 8 / 25 A patient who lives in a senior retirement village is having trouble with recurrent bladder infections. Herphysician has recommended a referral to physical therapy for evaluation of muscle imbalance contribut-ingto the infections. Which of the following muscles, when displaying soft-tissue tightness, can contribute toincreased urinary frequency and urgency? Obturator internus Quadriceps Quadratus lumborum Hamstrings 9 / 25 What is an example of declarative knowledge? To get into the pool, walk down the steps. To test the temperature of the water, look at the thermometer that is tied to the ladder rail. To tread water, alternate upper- and lower-extrem-ity motion The temperature of the pool is 82°F. 10 / 25 A physical therapist is instructing a patient in proper body mechanics when lifting a 40 lb box of paperfrom the floor to the desk. When attempting to lift the box, the patient should follow which of the followingprin-ciples of mechanics? Wide base of support, bend at the knees, slight increase in lumbar lordosis Narrow base of support, bend at the knees, slight increase in lumbar lordosis Wide base of support, bend at the knees, neutral spine Wide base of support, bend at the waist, neutral spine 11 / 25 A physical therapist is working with a patient in a home health setting. The physical therapist is treatinga patient who has had a recent myocardial infarction. During the physical therapist's second treatment withthe patient, the patient starts to complain of severe chest pain, then becomes diaphoretic and weak. Thephysical therapist calls 911. Which drug (if prescribed and available to the patient) should the patient take inthis situation? Diuretic Corticosteroid Drugs are contraindicated in this situation. Nitroglycerin 12 / 25 A patient referred to physical therapy has been diag-nosed with pulmonary edema. What is the BESTdescription of pulmonary edema? Output from the right side of the heart is greater than output from the left side of the heart, resulting in accumulation of fluid in the lungs Output from the left side of the heart is greater than output from the right side of the heart, resulting in accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Output from the heart is minimal and results in accumulation of fluid in the heart itself. Output from the left side of the heart is greater than output from the right side of the heart, resulting in edema in extremities. 13 / 25 A physical therapist has chosen to issue a TENS unit for home pain management. According to the gatecontrol theory, electrical stimulation affects large sen-sory nerve fibers to decrease the awareness of pain. Iftreatment is successful, how long after treatment do the analgesic effects of TENS last? 24 hours Up to 30 minutes 30-60 minutes 2-6 hours 14 / 25 A physical therapist is treating a patient in a nursing home with ROM and gait training, following kneesurgery. Today, the patient refuses physical therapy, stating she is in too much pain. The physical therapistinforms the patient of the benefits of treatment and the risks of missing treatment, but the patient stillrefuses. What would be the therapist's MOST appro-priate action? Discharge the patient Continue on with ROM only, since the patient refuses further treatment Document the refusal and try again later Explain to the patient she is making a big mis-take, and leave the room 15 / 25 A physical therapist is evaluating a woman who has mid-scapular pain that began when her body shapewent through pregnancy-related changes. Which of the following components of posture is the correctchange during pregnancy? Center of gravity moves posterior. The plumb line for posture moves posterior. Base of support narrows. Weight-bearing shifts toward the heels of the feet. 16 / 25 A physical therapist is explaining to a patient the mechanics of glenohumeral joint impingement. Whatrole does the rotator cuff play in lessening the occur-rence of shoulder impingement? Provides an anterior pull on the humeral head Provides a superior pull on the humeral head Aids in humeral elevation Provides an inferior pull on the humeral head 17 / 25 A physical therapist is examining a patient that he suspects may have nerve root irritation. When performing manual muscle testing, what is the BEST way to identify myotomal weakness? Hold the contraction for five seconds Hold the contraction until it breaks Hold the contraction for three seconds Hold the contraction for ten seconds 18 / 25 A physical therapist is performing manual cervical traction on a patient. The patient's head is known toweigh approximately 10 lb. Since the therapist is holding the patient's head, the coefficient of friction isnearly 0. What amount of force should the physical therapist apply to achieve joint distraction? 10 lb 15 lb 5 lb 25 lb 19 / 25 A patient is seen by a physical therapist following a contusion injury to the hand. The patient describesthe pain as "sharp and pricking" and well localized to the dorsum of his hand. Which peripheral neuronrelays localized sharp pain sensation? A-gamma fibers C fibers A-beta fibers A-delta fibers 20 / 25 A physical therapist is treating a patient for low back pain using interferential current (IFC). Whenadmin-istering the IFC for sensory level pain management, what sensation should the patient be expected tofeel? No sensation at all Strong, noxious tingling Strong, comfortable tingling Strong muscular contraction 21 / 25 A physical therapist is evaluating a patient in the hospital 24 hours after a right total hip replacement.The physician's orders are for gait training. On evalu-ation of the patient in his bed, the physical therapistnotes redness and edema present in the right calf. The patient complains of pain and tightness there also.What plan of action should the therapist take? Assisting the patient to sit at the edge of bed, and performing gait training with a walker Notifying the patient's nurse of the findings, and postponing any activity Assisting the patient to sit at the edge of bed, and reassessing the pain Postponing gait training for the time being and checking back later that day 22 / 25 A researcher is writing a questionnaire that is to be sent to patients after discharge from outpatient physical therapy. The researcher would like to use open-ended questions in the questionnaire. Which of thefollowing is an example of an open-ended question? Did your symptoms improve due to your physical therapy? How have your symptoms changed since you first were seen by a physical therapist? Did you have a good outcome following physical therapy? Did physical therapy help to decrease your pain? 23 / 25 A physical therapist is helping an orthotist cast a mold for an ankle-foot orthosis. Which of the followingis the correct position for the foot? Subtalar inversion Dorsiflexion Subtalar neutral Subtalar eversion 24 / 25 A physical therapist is assisting the front desk in fill-ing out paperwork before patient appointments. Heis presenting paperwork regarding informed consent to each patient to allow physical therapy evaluation andintervention. For which one of the following patients is the informed consent done legally? The patient who does not have insurance The patient who is unable to communicate The patient who is 17 years old The Hispanic patient who reads no English 25 / 25 A physical therapist is treating a patient following a cerebrovascular accident with left-sided hemiplegia. The patient complains of pain in the left upper extremity. The therapist examines the shoulder and findsthe humerus to be inferiorly displaced within the glenoid fossa. The patient's complaints of pain decreasewith superior pressure on the humerus. What does the therapist suspect is the patient's problem? Increased tone Complex regional pain syndrome Shoulder subluxation Upper extremity edema Your score isThe average score is 26% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz