
Comprehensive NPTE Quiz 3

NPTE 3 Quiz from the 300 NPTE questions and answers book



NPTE 3 Quiz from the 300 NPTE questions and answers book

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. Exercise is an essential part of anterior shoulder dislocation rehabilitation program as it can have a
positive effect on muscular tissue and muscular strength. A physical therapist gradually initiates a group
of exercises that involve constant velocity of shoulder movement with variable resistance. The
resistance is given throughout the muscle action to allow maximum tension. This type of exercise is
classified as:

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A female patient with swelling, redness, and pain in the leg is suspected of thrombophlebitis. There
are three factors, called Virchow’s triad, associated with thrombophlebitis or venous thrombosis. The
Virchow’s triad consists of the following except:

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A nerve root is the portion of a peripheral nerve root that connects the nerve to the spinal cord. The
nerve roots usually arise from each level of the spinal cord. In the cervical spine, which of the following
nerve roots is the most commonly compressed?

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The knee is a complex structure that plays a major role in supporting the body during static and
dynamic activities. It is supported by muscles, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and bones to maintain its
function. Which of the following is the strongest ligament in the knee?

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A female patient complains of moderate joint pain and morning stiffness lasting longer than 30
minutes. The patient has a reactive Rheumatoid factor. The patient is diagnosed with rheumatoid
arthritis. This musculoskeletal disorder is best described by which of the following statements?

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The human body consists of 31 nerve root pairs. Each nerve root has two components: the somatic
component and the visceral component. Which of the following is the function of the nerve root’s
somatic portion?

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Most cases of lumbar disk herniation are associated with the natural aging of the spine. Experts
believe that disk herniation is mainly caused by the drying out and weakening of the intervertebral disks.
The following factors increase an individual’s risk for disk herniation except:

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The cardiovascular system and pulmonary system show the most significant changes in response to
increased activity or inactivity. A patient referred for an exercise program is expected to demonstrate
which of the following as a normal response to exercise?

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Strains and sprains are among the most commonly reported musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries
account for about 50% of work-related injuries. Sprains and strains are commonly interchanged, but
they are two different injuries. Which of the following statements accurately describes these injuries?

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Formation of thrombus and its manifestations are related to an inflammatory process. When
thrombus develops, inflammation occurs. The inflammatory process causes the thickening of the vein
wall. Which of the following types of venous thrombosis is associated with vein inflammation caused by
an invasive procedure?

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Therapeutic cold, also known as cryotherapy, has the main effect of cooling the tissues. Cold
application may use various techniques and duration of therapy, but it has the same basic physiological
effects. The effects of cryotherapy are the following except

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When utilizing heat modalities, the physical therapist considers the different conductivity properties
of each tissue type. Which of the following tissues has the highest thermal conductivity?

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Brunnstrom classified the stages of motor recovery into six stages. On assessment, relative
independence of the limb synergies and waning spasticity are noted on the patient’s affected side. Arm
raising to a side horizontal position and bringing of hand over the head are also recorded. These findings
indicate what stage of motor recovery?

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The shoulder is able to maintain great mobility with limited stability due to the static stabilizers, which
maintain congruity, and dynamic stabilizers, which create compressive force at the glenohumeral joint.
Which of the following is a static stabilizer?

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A woman at 12 weeks’ gestation is informed what to expect during labor and delivery. The patient is
diagnosed with spinal cord injury affecting T11. The patient is informed that the following is more likely
to occur during birth except:

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A physical therapist is assessing the skin of an elderly patient who is recently referred for physical
therapy. Understanding the normal age-related changes of the integumentary system, an elderly patient
is at risk of the following conditions except:

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A 55-year-old non-athletic and healthy patient is referred for an exercise program. For beginners, a
good target heart rate should be 60% of the maximum heart rate. What is the correct target heart rate
during exercise for the patient?

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A female patient is about to get married in three months. The patient would like to delay pregnancy
at least one year after the wedding. The physical therapist is correct to inform the patient that which of
the following is the most effective contraception?

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A physical therapist is assessing the respirations of a patient referred for therapy
due to adhesive capsulitis. Physical examination findings suggest that the patient has a normal
respiratory function. In patients with normal respiratory function, which of the following occurs
during inspiration?

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A female patient informs a physical therapist that she has been having problems with sexual
intercourse and physical sexual responses since the spinal cord injury. The injury occurred a year-and-ahalf before consult. The history of the patient reveals complete motor neuron injury affecting the S2-S5
segments. Which of the following sexual dysfunctions is most likely reported by the patient?

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A female patient reveals that there are times when her hands usually fall asleep. On history taking,
the patient says that things usually slip from her fingers, without her noticing. The numbness is usually
severe at night. Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered. The physical therapist understands that this
condition is caused by a damaged:

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n addition to physical changes, aging may also cause changes in vital signs, which include the blood
pressure, body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate. Which of the following is an expected
finding in elderly patients?

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The deep veins of the legs and the pelvis are the most hospitable sites for venous thrombosis, a
condition where a clot forms on the wall of a vein. Which of the following veins is least likely involved in
deep vein thrombosis?

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A 50-year-old female complains of cervical pain that radiates to the left anterior arm
and radial side of the hand. Manual muscle testing of the biceps reveals a grade of 3. A diagnosis
of cervical spondylosis is made. Which of the following is true about cervical spondylosis?

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Compared to an individual who lives a sedentary lifestyle, a physically fit person usually
demonstrates a different physiological profile. The following are the characteristic features of improved
endurance except:

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